The sun is out, the sky is blue and I’m feeling kind of generous… in the mood to give some signed books away, in fact! All you have to do is tell me who your fave character from any of my books is, and WHY… in 60 words or less.

Just post your comment on your fave CC character through the link below… I’ll post the best online and choose six lucky winners at random to receive a signed copy of whichever book their fave appears in. Easy, huh? Remember to include your email address when you post your comment so that I can contact you to find out where to send your prize if you are a winner.

Enjoy the sunshine!!!!


Winners were: Claudia W, Hamps; Ruth M, Cumbernauld; Lilli S, USA; Heather D, Staffs; Clair K, USA; Inayah T, Brighton; Holly D, Hamps.

Comments on WIN, WIN, WIN!!!!

  1. Hiya Cathy!!!!! My most favourite character would have to be Indigo from Indigo Blue. she’s my favourite because she is so strong to be able to get through what she went through and also ’cause she is still able to stand on her own two feet even after everything she has been through. I also LOVE her name and Misty’s too. I’d love to be her friend because she is so brave and loyal and that’s really what admire!
    Keep up the great work Cathy.

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  2. my favorite character is dizzy from the book dizzy. i love her because of what she has been through with her mum and all. i love romance between teenagers and that book has alot of it. i have suggested it so soooooo many friends it is not funny. dizzy is my rollmodel because she is so outgoing and truthful. she is confedent with boys and i want to be just like her.

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  3. My faviourite character is scarlett. I like her because she has attitude but at the same time is soft and caring. She stands up to what she thinks. Bit like me.

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017
  4. Paul is
    caring, strong and kind. I love his beach magic. He seems to float like a piece of drift wood. After all the tragedy he has been through he is very patient and cool. He loves art, like me. I wish he was my friend.

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  5. My favourite character is Indigo in Indigo blue my favourite cathy cassidy book.She is my favourite because she is so daydreamy and imgainative!also she handles all that happens to her really well!

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  6. Hiyaah Cathy,
    My Favourite character is cat because i love her nature and the way that she is always the leader and she isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty. I love the way she does her best no matter what and even though she has been through such a lot she still continues to be strong anf holds her head held high. Although she can be naughty like skippin school and stealing things she always means well. At the end when the secret is uncovered, she stays strong. I think she is incredible brave. Thats why she is my favourite character. xxx

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  7. My favourite Character ever has to be Joey from Driftwood, she reminds me of my friends alot! I love the way that she isn’t afraid to be who she wants to be and she does what she likes, but she never hurts anyone. I love her unquie style and all that uniform breaking! I don’t like the way that she sort of deserts Hannah for Kit though, but then if that had never happened then Hannah never would have become such good friends with Paul!So maybe it was a good thing! Driftwood is my favourite book of all time! Also, I discovered Good Charlotte mainly through that book and now they’re one of my favourite bands ever! Thankyou so much for writing and please never stop ^.^

    Posted by: B on 7th November 2017
  8. My favourite character is Paul,from Driftwood,If all of the boys of this world would be a bit like him…
    Although he has had a horrible tragedy,he is the nicest boy I´ve heard of, he is storng and wonderful.
    He is very imaginative,and is always daydreaming and drawing.He is a great friend who will always be there.
    I would love to have a friend like him.He would teach me lots of good things… =)
    To me,Paul remembers me of … MAGIC!*

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  9. My favorite character has to be Finn because he is creative and caring, he cares for Dizzy and Mouse and dose not care what their families are like or what they belive, I love how he can make every thing better and he is the kind of person I want to be. He is talented and very helpfull and friendly and he is some one who I would like to be friends with.

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  10. Hi cathy!!!!I got given Sundae Girl for my birthday last year and then couldn’t stop reading your books! Even when I had to have my eyes opperated on I still read lots of your books (even if I was in pain!!)Your books are so addictive and inspiring, I don’t know where you get your ideas from!Anyway My fav book and character (I STILL CAN’T BELIEVE HOW MANY OF YOUR CHARACTERS I LIKE!!) would have to be Hannah from Driftwood because of the pain she goes through, not just any old pain, friendship pain that hurts more and more untill it might stop.FRiendship is one of the biggest things ever in life and to go through the ups and downs and keep brave, Hannahs got it! I love Driftwood but I also love so many of your other books whenever I’m feeling down (I am at the moment due to my rare condition with my eyes) I read your books and they cheer me up.Never stop writing such good books, I’m sure girls everwhere will agree with me.
    PS: I can’t wait for Ginger snaps! I read an extract and I can’t wait for it to be out! Ginger seems so sad and down, those girls are so mean yet at the end of the extract she’s a bit
    mysterious, by the way she says how that’s all changed. I can’t wait, shhe seems like a really good character.
    Love KavitaXX

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017

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