Monday 2nd June 2008
The sun is out, the sky is blue and I’m feeling kind of generous… in the mood to give some signed books away, in fact! All you have to do is tell me who your fave character from any of my books is, and WHY… in 60 words or less.
Just post your comment on your fave CC character through the link below… I’ll post the best online and choose six lucky winners at random to receive a signed copy of whichever book their fave appears in. Easy, huh? Remember to include your email address when you post your comment so that I can contact you to find out where to send your prize if you are a winner.
Enjoy the sunshine!!!!
Winners were: Claudia W, Hamps; Ruth M, Cumbernauld; Lilli S, USA; Heather D, Staffs; Clair K, USA; Inayah T, Brighton; Holly D, Hamps.
My fave character is Scarlett because she has been through some one in a lifetime experiences like.. Meeting a gorgeous boy and secretly spending so much time with him.. You begin to like eachother. All the characters are great though, but Scarlett is my fave because she is adventurous, curious and rebellious, the story was meant for her!
Hey Cathy!!!!!
I am so honoured to be writing to you!I was introduced to your wonderful, fantastic ,amazing ,wacky, touching tales about two months ago by a close friend and I’m hooked!!!! Do you have a rehab to help your readers overcome their addiction?
Anyway, my favourite character of yours has to be Scarlett. This is because she is not afraid to be different. She is fearless and won’t stand for any nonsense.I’m an emo/hippy/indie, with red highlighted hair and she reminds me very much of myself. I have tried never to get into trouble at school or with my loved ones but i did used to be quite an angry girl.My mum is a diabetic and she has been in hospital quite a few times whilst i have been alive. Life can be very challenging for her sometimes and my dad and i have to be there for her when things go wrong.I had to grow up very quickly when i was little but i was always trying to hide how i really felt to stop my family having to worry about me.It was really hard knowing that there was nothing that i could do to help my mum. I lietrally had to stand back and watch my world come crumbling down infront of me. Then last year i began to get sudden huge, uncontrollable bursts of emotion, say fear or anger and then i would begin to hyperventilate. My mum (Being the star that she is) and i went to the doctors and it turns out that i was having frequent panic attacks!!! They referred me to a councillor, but after some heart to heart chats with my mum, i didn’t need the councillors help and i began slowly but surely calm down and after about 6 months, i got myself back to normal. This makes Scarlett and myself similar as she too chats with Clare who helps her through her angry stage.
To be honest, when i first read Scarlett, I thought that she was a snotty,selfish little cow who was like a fierce tornado, ripping through the countryside and leaving behind it a massive path of destruction.But, as her character began to progress throughout the book, she became kinder, thoughtful, likeable!!!So thank you Cathy, for writng such a heart wrenching story that i and other readers could identify with. You, through your books, spread light to us youngsters who are different from others or those of us rejected by our piers for going to odd schools(like me!!) or dressing differently. You are the giant rainbow and warm spring sun at the end of the tunnel egging us on and giving us courage to stand out. So THANK YOU from me on behalf of all of my friends who wanted me to say hi for being such a great role model!!!
My favourite character is Indigo because she coped with a lot of hard things like looking after her little sister Mysti, she was more the mum. Indigo helped her mum the whole way through and I truly wish I had a true, courageous and adventurous friend like Indigo!
Hi Cathy,
My favourite character is Mouse, because he starts off in Dizzy as a little innocent boy and you get to follow him through his life and through the way you write until he becomes a troubled teenager in Lucky Star. I think mouse in an inspiring character with a taste for adventure and exploration. On the outiside he seems like a typical teenage rebel, but he is much more than that and the way you write, letting the words just flow out on a stream onto the paper helps to describe the way Mouse really is and how he is not just a normal teen. It also shows why teenagers act this way in a form of deffence. Thankyou for writing Lucky Star and Dizzy and helping me to understand youth life today through these books!
Millie xxx
My fav character is Scarlett. We have the same red hair, and rebelious attitude. it helped me understand where I was going wrong in life, cos when I read about her at the start, it seemed a waste of life. then i realised it was like me, and I had to change!!
My Fave Character is Kian. Because hes so mysterious and charming and the way you wrote about him made me kind of fall in love with him. I love the adventurous side of him and how he lives in the tree and converts scarlett into believing in the wishing tree. He is just an amzing Character
It’s really hard to choose because they are all so great! I’d have to say though that Scarlett is great, all the trouble she causes, it’s really funny. I’d love to dye my hair the colour she dyed hers. She has such an amazing adventure. I’d love to meet her, I bet we’d get up to all sorts of trouble.
my favorite character would be Scarlett, because she changes throughout the whole story from bad to good. she over comes lots of different things and makes new friends too. Scarlett is a good book it kinda helps explain how some people are like and if they would read this fantastic book i think they would change their ways!!!…
Hi Cathy,
My fav CC character would be Dizzy because shes fun, unique,and such a fabulous friend!!!She is a insecure person even though she doesnt know the best way to solve a problem.. But Dizzy is such a fun and loyal character which makes me LOVE her alot…I also liked her because she is actually the first character I knew from one of your books..DIZZY is such a UNIQUE name!!!Thanxs=)
My absolute favorite charecter of yours is dizzy , from your book dizzy. Why she is my favorite chareter is because she is like me . She has feelings, and a little bit of attitude , and stands up for what she belevies in just like me!