That’s right, if you missed getting Cupcakes & Kisses free with Mizz mag in July, or if you live overseas, this is YOUR chance to win two fab copies of the fab mini-book… one for you, and one for a friend!

Just click the CUPCAKES & KISSES comp link and send your entry in… it couldn’t be easier! I’ve has lots of emails from readers overseas who were sad to be missing out on the minibook, and this comp is open to readers all around the world, so everyone is welcome to enter!

If you are one of the lucky 150 to be selected at random, you’ll receive TWO copies of CUPCAKES & KISSES, one for you to keep and one to give to a special friend… perhaps someone who also loves my books, or maybe someone who hasn’t yet discovered them! What better way to spread the word?

If you’re reading this in the UK/Ireland, enjoy the last few weeks of the holidays… and if you are overseas, hope the sun is shining on you too! Wherever you are, if why not send a pic of your fave character from Angel Cake in to the YOUR PICS page? Go for it! Or send me a pic of you and your bezzie for the YOUR PHOTOS page, and sign up for the FRIENDSHIP CHARTER too! Cool…

Life is sweet,
Cathy Cassidy xxx


  1. Hi Everyone! I live in Australia and it’s not available here:( Me and my cousin have ben trying to get it and then i saw this comp on my daily check of the site!!! This comp. is perfect for us! Good Luck everyone!!!

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  2. hey everyone that has the book how much
    pages is it

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  3. (the 5 is silent!)
    the book is totally awsome cathy! anyone who hasnt had a sneek peek of the angel cake book and knows all recipies of all time then get this book now! i got it through mizz mag! bye guys loe u cathy!

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  4. hi I’ve read loads of your books and thought they were awsome thats what inspired me to start writing my own stories but they’d never be as good as yours ( I’m hoping my mum will let me read Driftwood it looks so good…) I was going to get it but didn’t have enough money lol.
    Phoebe xx

    Posted by: P on 7th November 2017
  5. Hi Cathy Cassidy! I’m saying Good luck to all those who are entering the competition. I dont want try because I dont want to waste ther peoles luck 🙂 So good luck all!

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017
  6. Im your the biggest fan!!! I read all of your books…!!! :):) I really hope ill win cuz they dont have that book in the bookstore here!! 🙁
    But i hope that somewhone else can with this great price!! 🙂
    My faveorite book was Angel Cake becouse im from Poland too and i moved to Ireland so i was in the same Shoes as Ania.! But now it all turned out well like in the book, but theres no Angel Boy in my world!! 🙁

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  7. so cathy cassidy, i live across oceans in wi. usa and i really want to meet you in the places you visit but your in europe. are you coming to the usa? that would be SO AWSOME! i cant aford your books so i go to the library and in all of them i visited they only had dizzy and scarlett. REALLY HOPE TO SEE YOU SOON!!!!!!!!!! =] =] =] =] <3 kailey ps wats ur email c.c.?

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  8. i am reading one of your itts called Dizzy it is the best book i have every read. you are great

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
  9. i really want to read this book but im not allowed the magazine it was in but it’s gone now and i can’t read it at all
    🙁 that’s why i want to win this!!! im really excited this is one of the best comps ever YOUR BOOKS ROCK XXX

    Love Georgia xxx

    Posted by: G on 7th November 2017
  10. woz ur e-mail cathy????? xxxxxx eden

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
