That’s right, if you missed getting Cupcakes & Kisses free with Mizz mag in July, or if you live overseas, this is YOUR chance to win two fab copies of the fab mini-book… one for you, and one for a friend!

Just click the CUPCAKES & KISSES comp link and send your entry in… it couldn’t be easier! I’ve has lots of emails from readers overseas who were sad to be missing out on the minibook, and this comp is open to readers all around the world, so everyone is welcome to enter!

If you are one of the lucky 150 to be selected at random, you’ll receive TWO copies of CUPCAKES & KISSES, one for you to keep and one to give to a special friend… perhaps someone who also loves my books, or maybe someone who hasn’t yet discovered them! What better way to spread the word?

If you’re reading this in the UK/Ireland, enjoy the last few weeks of the holidays… and if you are overseas, hope the sun is shining on you too! Wherever you are, if why not send a pic of your fave character from Angel Cake in to the YOUR PICS page? Go for it! Or send me a pic of you and your bezzie for the YOUR PHOTOS page, and sign up for the FRIENDSHIP CHARTER too! Cool…

Life is sweet,
Cathy Cassidy xxx


  1. Thats sounds really cool

    Posted by: G on 7th November 2017
  2. i hope iwill win your book

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  3. Hello everyone!
    I’ve entered the Cupcakes and Kisses minibook competition…I hope I win! I love your books, Cathy! They’re the best! I’m starting high school after the holidays and already I’ve made a friend who adores your books. If I win this competition, I’m planning to give her the second copy of the minibook. I wish everyone else who’s entering this competition the best of luck!

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  4. I’m so excited that I entered. Good luck to all of you 🙂

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  5. wow i hope i win and werdliy 30th of augist is my birthday yay!!! i am cathy cassidys #1 fan she inspiers me i have Gingersnaps
    Indego Blue
    Lucky star
    Shine on daziy star
    lets just say i have a LOT!! i really hope i win Good Luck everyone!!!


    Posted by: T on 7th November 2017
  6. hey Cathy and all the fans.
    i would love to win this but i hope some one less fortunate would win

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  7. I hope I am one of the lucky 150 winners! I first read Lucky Star which I loved and i’ve borrowed the others from the Library. xxx

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  8. Hi, I loved Cupcakes and Kisses and so did my friends. Good luck to everyone who entered the comp! =)
    Zoe x

    Posted by: Z on 7th November 2017
  9. i was about to enter my story in the dreams comp and was reading the terms and conditions and i think their is a mistake. i think it’s from the letter comp last year it says on uk/eire resedents can enter, this is wrong isn’t it

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  10. Hey!
    I got one of these copies at Edinburgh Book Festival on Sunday 16th.
    Cathy was really good and she gave everyone a free copy this book!
    I made Angel Cakes Today (17th) from the recipe in it, success! 😀

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
