I had the coolest email this week, from a girl thanking me for the books, and for writing back to her when she emails… and it got me thinking. We don’t say thank you often enough! So let’s do something about it….

Here is Emma’s email, which started me thinking….

Thanks Cathy for writing to me the way you do. You’re an international writer who has loads of fans and yet you still take time to write back to each one of us personally. You answer our questions and help us out. I know no other author who does that so thanks!
And thanks, too, because your books are so inspirational. They help me understand and believe and want to stand up for myself! Thanks, Cathy!

So… who would I say thanks to? Lot of people, for lots of things!!!!

A big THANKS to my fab family, for putting up with me… to my friends… to all the fab crew at Puffin books & also to my agent, for making my dreams come true… to my writer-gal pals, Fiona Gibson, Lisa Clark, Magi Gibson & Meg Rosoff, for patience, laughs & understanding… to Fluffy Puffin, for everything… to Kitty’s Tearoom, for having the best cake in the known universe… to the cool kids who came to the EDINBURGH BOOK FEST recently, to see me…. to everyone who emails me with feedback & support… everyone who voted for me in Queen of Teen… to Daisy & Kelpie (dogs), Midnight & Snowy (rabbits) & Lily, Pickle & Pepper (cats) for letting me stroke them… to llamas, for existing… and lots, lots more. Including Emma N, for giving me the cool idea for this blog!

What would YOU say thanks for? Let me know in the box below… keep your comments short, & I’ll post the best online!

Comments on THANK YOU!!!!

  1. Hi cathy. your books are so amazing. iam just finished Gingersnaps. your books have kept me very busy during the wet summer over here in Ireland. i really want to be an author in a few years and just want to know when you sit down and start your book do you base your characters on real people that you have met or do they just pop into your head the minute you pick up a pencil? thanks for brightning up my wet summer with your very interesting and funny books! laura a

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  2. I’d like to thank my mom and my dad for bringing me into this world, my friends for making me a happy person, all animals for making me laugh, Nature for letting me breathe the fresh air, cloths-makers and Cheifs and directors and soooo many things i cant even list down on here, and thank you all the authors that i luuuurve, including u cathy! ur probably my no.1 author 🙂 thats hard to say when u read 2 books a day!!!
    But everyone on here is really creative! thanks for reading my message 🙂 xx

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  3. i have read all of your books and i think they are fantastic. i especially like gingersnaps

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  4. hi i realy love your books i have read sundae girl,lucky star,indego girl,scarlet and i am in the middle of reading gingersnapes. all of them are amazing and you are my favourate auther. please write back katie dunne thanks

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  5. I just love your books they are fantastic. Cant wait to read your new books angel cake and daisy star..!

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  6. I guess people just don’t really think to say thank you at all (especcially me)
    You see cathy I’m in a wheelchair and so I really should be saying thank-you a lot more–But anyway guess I should get back to saying my thank-you’s ! THANK YOU CATHY CASSIDY AND THANK YOU WOLRLD 😀

    Posted by: D on 7th November 2017
  7. yh cathy u are soooo right i would like to thank my mum who is the greatest mum ever and also thanks to my nan and grandad who bought me all the chocolate and sweets i ate and of course my uncles who bought me things i wanted so much. and all my fab family. also to cathy who gave me all her books and jk rowling who gave me harry potter.also a huge thank you to my best mate kathryn who is always their for me. thanks to every1 i know cant name every person be here for years lol thanks milliexxx

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  8. You don’t get many authors who take the time to write back to you so thank you for that. And also they way you’ve inspired so many people to start writing and reading; that in itself is really amazing. So thank you for all the advice you’ve given to me about writing. If it wasn’t for you I would have given up already!
    Thank you 🙂 xx

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  9. Hello Cathy sweety !! For the first time today I bought a book that you wrote. Its name is GingerSnaps. The first thing I notice in the book is the outside of it, the colours, pictures, graphics. THEY ARE TOTALLY COOL and my fav colours so I picked it quickly !! I read the short introduction on the back and I LOVED IT, then I read the first page and I chose it xD Thankyou so much for writing these kind of books for us, when I finish GingerSnaps, I’m gonna buy the others aswell. Thankyou and I hope that you read my message, lovely. xxxxxxxx Bye from Katya ( Malta ) !!

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  10. we ALL know you are the best book writer there is! no one can complain with that!
    we ALL- every single one of us who read you books want to say thank you!

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017

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