I had the coolest email this week, from a girl thanking me for the books, and for writing back to her when she emails… and it got me thinking. We don’t say thank you often enough! So let’s do something about it….

Here is Emma’s email, which started me thinking….

Thanks Cathy for writing to me the way you do. You’re an international writer who has loads of fans and yet you still take time to write back to each one of us personally. You answer our questions and help us out. I know no other author who does that so thanks!
And thanks, too, because your books are so inspirational. They help me understand and believe and want to stand up for myself! Thanks, Cathy!

So… who would I say thanks to? Lot of people, for lots of things!!!!

A big THANKS to my fab family, for putting up with me… to my friends… to all the fab crew at Puffin books & also to my agent, for making my dreams come true… to my writer-gal pals, Fiona Gibson, Lisa Clark, Magi Gibson & Meg Rosoff, for patience, laughs & understanding… to Fluffy Puffin, for everything… to Kitty’s Tearoom, for having the best cake in the known universe… to the cool kids who came to the EDINBURGH BOOK FEST recently, to see me…. to everyone who emails me with feedback & support… everyone who voted for me in Queen of Teen… to Daisy & Kelpie (dogs), Midnight & Snowy (rabbits) & Lily, Pickle & Pepper (cats) for letting me stroke them… to llamas, for existing… and lots, lots more. Including Emma N, for giving me the cool idea for this blog!

What would YOU say thanks for? Let me know in the box below… keep your comments short, & I’ll post the best online!

Comments on THANK YOU!!!!

  1. Yeah… thanks 4 everything cathy! Replying 2 my emails, the brilliant books, the awesome compettitions..! Me and my friends were wondering if you were gonna make any of ur books in2 movies..? They would be gr8..! :)and THANKS to all my gr8 friends for well, just being gr8 friends!! thanks! XxX

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  2. I would like to thank my family for being supportive of me and buying me most of my CC books and being there when I need them. Thank you to my best friend Tasha for just being there when I need her and for always being nice to me and letting me pour out all my worries and problems and for giving me advice in return! And thanks for being amazing, Tash! A HUGE thank you to Lisa, Beka, Morgan, Shannon, Amy, Ellen, Holly and Rachel for being great friends in my primary school years and I will miss you all coz I’m going to a different secondary school from you all! Another HUGE thank you to Cathy for writing the most inspirational books ever and like Emma said, you’re always taking time to email your adoring fans which is really, really kind of you! And this might sound stupid but I’d also like to thank that there is no war or fights here in the UK so that we can all live in safe surroundings where there wouldn’t be a fight involving guns just around the corner! And thanks for the world and all the different, unique people in it!
    Beve x

    Posted by: B on 7th November 2017
  3. You know, I have a lot of problems. Reading your books make me feel different, like others have just as bad, maybe worse. Because I’m stuck in the middle of the worst problem ever. Your books rock, Cathy!

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  4. Hey, my names emma, the one from the email(its such a honour)! Id like to say thanks to all the people who agree with me cathy is a brill author!!!!!! Thanks Cathy!

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  5. Everything you is so, so true. It’s amzing how much impact two little words can have, but then again, every word has an impactand every word has consequences. Another word that perhaps has the same, if not more, importance than “thank you” is “sorry”. After all, it can save a friendship, and friendship is what counts the most!

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  6. I think it is a really good idea as we all take so much for granted. We just don’t thank people enough!

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
  7. My favourite books are Dizzy and Lucky Star!!!! they are so COOL and i love to read them always! and i will buy Driftwood soon!! and also i will buy Sundae Girl!!! or maybe i will buy all the books!!!!

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  8. Yes. We don’t say thankyou enough. And that’s bad. Thankyou for writing your books, thankyou for our happiness. Thankyou for everything!

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  9. thanks to….
    cathy for her books!
    to zanny for being such a grate friend!
    mum for her love !

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  10. I completely agree! People these days are more careless, but really, how hard can it b 2 say ‘thanx’ 4 even small things. . . ?
    so now i will say thanx to every1 4 being there 4 and espiecally to my friend Krystal for always b-ing ther

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017

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