I had the coolest email this week, from a girl thanking me for the books, and for writing back to her when she emails… and it got me thinking. We don’t say thank you often enough! So let’s do something about it….

Here is Emma’s email, which started me thinking….

Thanks Cathy for writing to me the way you do. You’re an international writer who has loads of fans and yet you still take time to write back to each one of us personally. You answer our questions and help us out. I know no other author who does that so thanks!
And thanks, too, because your books are so inspirational. They help me understand and believe and want to stand up for myself! Thanks, Cathy!

So… who would I say thanks to? Lot of people, for lots of things!!!!

A big THANKS to my fab family, for putting up with me… to my friends… to all the fab crew at Puffin books & also to my agent, for making my dreams come true… to my writer-gal pals, Fiona Gibson, Lisa Clark, Magi Gibson & Meg Rosoff, for patience, laughs & understanding… to Fluffy Puffin, for everything… to Kitty’s Tearoom, for having the best cake in the known universe… to the cool kids who came to the EDINBURGH BOOK FEST recently, to see me…. to everyone who emails me with feedback & support… everyone who voted for me in Queen of Teen… to Daisy & Kelpie (dogs), Midnight & Snowy (rabbits) & Lily, Pickle & Pepper (cats) for letting me stroke them… to llamas, for existing… and lots, lots more. Including Emma N, for giving me the cool idea for this blog!

What would YOU say thanks for? Let me know in the box below… keep your comments short, & I’ll post the best online!

Comments on THANK YOU!!!!

  1. I want to say thanks to my parents because they have always been my support, and my brother takes care of me so i don’t have to go to camp. I also want to thank Cathy cause you are a very inspirational author, and I thank you for putting your talent out there and showing your great ideas. I’ve only read one of your books, Scarlett, but as soon as I can I’m getting another book of yours. So thanks for writing because your books are wonderful. THANKS AGAIN <3

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  2. hi cathy, i love all your books and i just wanyt to say thanks because before i didnt like reding but your books are brilliant! i have told all my friends about how good you are so thanks again for writing the best books ever xxx soph

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  3. hi cathy i LOVE!!!!!!!! your new book gingersnaps i teached me new stuff about friends and ive also read all your other books they are great please keep writing some new ones !!! bye xx

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  4. Everyone from where i live thanks u soooo much Cathy for all your books. Especially Mill and Grace who adore your books as much as I do. We can chat for a long time about one of your books. lol(laugh out loud). Yours books are the only books i ever really read. Without your books i wouldn’t like reading as much. It would be sooooooo awesome if you got together with a movie company and some movies were created based on your books that would be the best.( I would have all the movies aswell.)copy this if you want a movie: Cathy please get some help to get together with a movie company and make some movies based on your books!!!!!:)<3x.x

    Now don’t copy this part lol

    Loving your books the most

    Keep up the writing please


    aLLy x.x

    ps: you have amazing books!

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  5. thankyou for all your books cathy i luv every one of them i think you are a great author. keep on writing cathy!! xx

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  6. i agree! I love your books and you have such an amazing talent that is really inspirational to thousands of people! Thank you sooooo much for wtiting because your books are brilliant! THANKS!Helena p.s thanks to who ever wrote that email, it was fab!

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  7. I love you books and you have inpired me more then ever to be a writer .
    You are awesome and you are one of my favorite authors(along with pat moon) and i hope you write more wonderful books.Thanks for writing your books because the helped me go through a time just like it in the book. I love Emma’s email and she is so right. Thanks Cathy for helping me through the tough time and I love your books!!

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  8. Hi cathy, I just want to say thanks for writing such awsome books. I want to be as good an author as u when i’m older. At the moment i’m writing a book called message in a bottle inspired by driftwood. Thanks again. Keep on writing love sophie x

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  9. THANK YOU!!!!! your amazing and fill each boring day with an amazing book!!! i have all your books and can’t put them down THANK YOU!!!! is it hard to keep coming up with new ideas? were do you get your insperation? and is there a new book to be looking forward to soon? THANK YOU!!!! and please answer back!!! love phoebexxx

    Posted by: P on 7th November 2017
  10. thank you for all the great books you’ve written. i’ve just got the hardback copy of gingersnaps and im already up to chapter 4. my fave book is driftwood because the ending gets so tense and the story is great!
    keep writing great books! maisie 😀

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017

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