I had the coolest email this week, from a girl thanking me for the books, and for writing back to her when she emails… and it got me thinking. We don’t say thank you often enough! So let’s do something about it….

Here is Emma’s email, which started me thinking….

Thanks Cathy for writing to me the way you do. You’re an international writer who has loads of fans and yet you still take time to write back to each one of us personally. You answer our questions and help us out. I know no other author who does that so thanks!
And thanks, too, because your books are so inspirational. They help me understand and believe and want to stand up for myself! Thanks, Cathy!

So… who would I say thanks to? Lot of people, for lots of things!!!!

A big THANKS to my fab family, for putting up with me… to my friends… to all the fab crew at Puffin books & also to my agent, for making my dreams come true… to my writer-gal pals, Fiona Gibson, Lisa Clark, Magi Gibson & Meg Rosoff, for patience, laughs & understanding… to Fluffy Puffin, for everything… to Kitty’s Tearoom, for having the best cake in the known universe… to the cool kids who came to the EDINBURGH BOOK FEST recently, to see me…. to everyone who emails me with feedback & support… everyone who voted for me in Queen of Teen… to Daisy & Kelpie (dogs), Midnight & Snowy (rabbits) & Lily, Pickle & Pepper (cats) for letting me stroke them… to llamas, for existing… and lots, lots more. Including Emma N, for giving me the cool idea for this blog!

What would YOU say thanks for? Let me know in the box below… keep your comments short, & I’ll post the best online!

Comments on THANK YOU!!!!

  1. I live in America so only 3 of your books are available to me.I started with Indigo Blue my favorite of them all. I followed with dizzy and scarlett. then for christmas my mom ordered me Driftwood,sundae girl and lucky star. I love those and now want to order Gingersnaps which looks like a very promising book. I think today I will order it I have $22 I hope that will cover everything. Can’t wait for it to come! I love your writing and can relate to all your charachters as if they are my best friends. Keep up the good work and know you have fans in america too! Thanks!

    Posted by: B on 7th November 2017
  2. Hey Cathy,
    I LOVE your books and Lucky star is my fave book EVER!!!Thank you so much and they inspired me and they made me think about my life

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  3. Before I say my thank-yous I just want to say that you are my fave author and I love all your books – kind of a corny thing to say but it’s true 🙂

    My thank-yous would be to my mum for being brilliant and supportive and everything. My dad for his hilarious cuteness. My Granda for the endless supply of pocket money and woolly hats. My Nana for calling me “sunshine” and for that yummy cherry/chocolate/coconut cakey thing that she makes. To cats and dogs for existing and being our friends. To all the horses that ever let me sit on them, dig them with my heels, wrench a bit about in their mouth without complaints (or in some cases, quite a bit of complaining), to Amber for inviting me to Scotland with her twice, and to Georgia for being my best ever friend even though we don’t go to the same secondary school now, and for all the thousands of laughs we’ve had together. Oh, and thank-you to authors and the people who invented computers because otherwise I would have nothing to do!

    THANK-YOU! 🙂

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  4. I wanna thank you Cathy for being a brilliant author and taking the time to give tips and talk to me, so thank you thank you thank you!

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  5. If i could say thank you i would say thankyou to all the charity’s and organisations that help people like childline and macmillan cancr support. I would also say thank you to the government for helping our country and making it better. My other thankyou’s would be to my friends and family and of course to cathy cassidy for writing so many wonderful books that so many people enjoy! Thankyou!

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  6. It might sound corny but I’d say a massive thank you to my boyfriend who has supported me all the way through my school dance work and my dancing.He has been to every single one of my 109 shows and never complains.He has come to auditions and comps,bigging me up and making me smile when I havent got parts I wanted. I Love You && Thanks Soo Much For What Youu Do Joel…xox

    && Thank You For Gingersnaps Cathy, It made me think of how much my friends mean and never let them go even if they are weird!!They mean everything to me!!

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  7. Hi! I would like to thank you for writing Ginger Snaps..I just got it and I’ve fallen in looove with it(I also fell in love with Sam Taylor hehe). I have two other books of yours and I’m trying to find more. Thanks for writing!! I would also like to thank whoever got you into writing!!-Cya

    Posted by: Z on 7th November 2017
  8. hi, i love ur book scarlett!! its so cool and nice… thank you 4 writing this book!! and all ur others… i dont like reading so much.. but ur book is amazing! thanks

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  9. ive just started reading your books i think there just great!

    Posted by: Z on 7th November 2017
  10. Hi! ummm i just wanted to say that i love your books. Thanks for being an author!
    Sky xxoo

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017

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