I had the coolest email this week, from a girl thanking me for the books, and for writing back to her when she emails… and it got me thinking. We don’t say thank you often enough! So let’s do something about it….

Here is Emma’s email, which started me thinking….

Thanks Cathy for writing to me the way you do. You’re an international writer who has loads of fans and yet you still take time to write back to each one of us personally. You answer our questions and help us out. I know no other author who does that so thanks!
And thanks, too, because your books are so inspirational. They help me understand and believe and want to stand up for myself! Thanks, Cathy!

So… who would I say thanks to? Lot of people, for lots of things!!!!

A big THANKS to my fab family, for putting up with me… to my friends… to all the fab crew at Puffin books & also to my agent, for making my dreams come true… to my writer-gal pals, Fiona Gibson, Lisa Clark, Magi Gibson & Meg Rosoff, for patience, laughs & understanding… to Fluffy Puffin, for everything… to Kitty’s Tearoom, for having the best cake in the known universe… to the cool kids who came to the EDINBURGH BOOK FEST recently, to see me…. to everyone who emails me with feedback & support… everyone who voted for me in Queen of Teen… to Daisy & Kelpie (dogs), Midnight & Snowy (rabbits) & Lily, Pickle & Pepper (cats) for letting me stroke them… to llamas, for existing… and lots, lots more. Including Emma N, for giving me the cool idea for this blog!

What would YOU say thanks for? Let me know in the box below… keep your comments short, & I’ll post the best online!

Comments on THANK YOU!!!!

  1. I totaly agree about saying thank you we don’t say it alot and think about it it only takes a second to say so…I’m going to say a big thank you to my mum and dad who buy me all my cathy cassidy books,a huge thank you to my best friend Erin who lends me her cathy cassidy books and thank you to the one and only Cathy Cassidy who writes the books I love so much love amie xxx

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  2. I think that thanks is really great! As Emma said it is wonderful for you to reply to us, Cathy! Will you ever be in Inverclyde, Scotland any time because I live in Inverclyde and think it would be really great to meet you. I have your new book, Gingersnaps and i got it for £9.99 out of WHSmith but I can tell you, it was worth it! Love all your books, especially Lucky Star as it is so emotional! If you are able to reply i would love this as you are my favourite Author!
    Kind Regards,

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  3. I have never thought about saying thanks to you, so thank you loads for replying to my e-mails and for signing my books at the ultimate FF I really enjoyed it, I think its great that you take time to reply nicely to every ones emails !! xoxo

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  4. i would say a huge thankyou to the things i see evryday, the colours if the earth and the animal and plants. The friends that put up with me and are not afraid to tell me if they think im doing something wrong. To my special bffl Georgie for being there and sharing the adventures we have together and makin me realise that i am never alone. To some of the coolest teachers in my skwl Miss Rashford, Miss B, Miss shaw and Mr webb. To my family who i wil always b there for and they have always bin there for me. My little bro leo for making me smile. The chocolate that gets sold at the shops, the books that comfort me at night (cathy cassidy ones, obviously). And a thankyou to my crazy cousins:
    John, Danny, Demi, Reece, Danielle, Ryan, Chloe, Ellie-may, Sophie, Maisy, Libby, Katie, and baby Harrison. Lastely to woteva created the world, because its amazingly beautiful and magnificant. Thankyou!!!

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  5. Hiya,
    I’m thanking you too for writing all your books I always get a thrill when I see that you emailed me so I look and then i print it out and show all my friends at school.
    Thanks Cathy for all your books and your emails.
    from Amelia (Maleny, Brisbane, QLD, Australia)

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  6. i think that you are right that people dont thank other people enough and they should! so i am going to thankyou like Emma did and say that, that is why you are a great idol you take the time to write back to your fans and never complain! you take the time to visit your fans in varios places and inspier them into being themselves and loving everyone. you are the BEST!

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  7. i think you are totally right! I think people need to thank everyone! im thanking…..
    all my friends..
    bree, kayla, kristen, jess, jordyn, becky, janie, (WA people now) emily, jess, rosie, chloe, isabella, iesha and all my other friends!
    Also my family, susan, tracey, marie, linda, cheryl, matt, mark, micheal, bianca, kris, alyce, angelic, locklan, blake, tash, david, phil, norbet, mary, mark, audrey, peter, julie, bronwyn, garath, andrew, and michel! THANK YOU ALL!!!!! LOVE YA MISS YA NEVA WANT TO LEAVE YA!!!! Also to all the cathy cassidy fans your my new friends!! lol! also R.I.P. granni, papa, and kiki )=. miss you all!

    all the best

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  8. dear cathy,
    you inspierd me to read and probly tons of other ppl as well!
    and your books seem sooooo real!!!!!!!!!
    luvvv katy

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  9. thank you sooooo much for your fab books!
    you are definately the queen of teen!
    like other people have said, I think it is important to thank people and it is
    great to take time to email every one indervidually, your the BEST!!!
    pleeeeeaaaaassseee keep writing more
    books cathy, YOU RULE!!!

    Posted by: D on 7th November 2017
  10. I’d say thankyou to my bezzie rebecca for being such a goot friend and YOU as you made our friendship even stronger by allowing us to have a fab time at the Cathy Cassidy awards. And I thankyou for taking time to read my diary for MBFR 08!

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017

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