You have until April 1st to send your entries in for the MY BEST FRIEND ROCKS comp… this year the prizes are bigger and better than ever, so don’t miss out! I’ve teamed up with the cool ‘n’ fabby MIZZ magazine and CHILDLINE, the amazing children’s charity, to make this year’s comp truly spectacular…

Do you have a friend in a million? A friend who has helped you through some tough times, or been through some ups and downs herself? Maybe she’s been your friend since forever, or perhaps she’s a new mate and you want to show her how much you care… well, this is your chance! Click MY BEST FRIEND ROCKS and find out exactly how to enter.

You can be as creative as like – get to work designing an entry that will really catch my eye, then send it in to the address on the MBFR link. We’ve had some fab entries so far… check out a few of my faves on the MBFR link see the kind of thing other people are doing! The Easter hols are a perfect time to do this… all that chocolate can only be an inspiration!

If you are one of the 100 finalists, you’ll be invited to my ULTIMATE FRIENDSHIP FESTIVAL on the banks of the River Thames in London, with your best friend and a parent/guardian, for a day of fun, friendship, workshops, makeovers and lots, lots more… you’ll get to meet me, too! The overall winner and five runners-up will be announced at a special ceremony that afternoon. The winners will win everything they need to create the sleepover of their dreams… sigh!

Don’t miss out – show your best friend how much SHE (or he!) rocks and get those entries rolling in before APRIL 1st. Good luck!

Sadly, for this year anyway, the comp is only open to readers in the UK & Ireland… sorry to all you overseas readers with brilliant best mates. Oh… and HAPPY EASTER!!!!

STOP PRESS!!!! The Winners of the EASTER BUNNY FREEBY COMP, online on Easter Monday, selected at random, are as follows: Lucy S, Hannah W, Rebeca K, Rachel H, Catherine M, Lauren H, Briony A, Natalie C, Sheena T & Zara S. Winners are from UK, Eire, USA, Singapore & New Zealand. Well done all!


  1. Hiya everybody
    im really upset coz my mums computer has be really agony!!!
    and Rebecca your cousin has my name!
    sees ya all later Jessica x

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  2. i just want to say a BIG THANK YOU to you cathy cassidy,for writing such wonderful and amazing books!you are the BEST auther EVER! keep up writing more books because i have read all your ones out in the shops and i have no-more to read!
    tanx again ciara x

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  3. I am reading Dizzy and its amazing, i can’t put it down. Its the first book i have read by you, i think it is brill. One of my Best friends thinks your books are the best….

    Thanks from spanna

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  4. Hey cathy!

    Sounds great cant wait to enter!


    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  5. Hiya Cathy!
    I love your books! Plus I love your Campervan!When I learn to drive I will get and Orange VW. I love the competion but I cant enter it.=[ My best friend sort of fell out with me.But itd getting better, do I think I could be at the next competion if there is one!For the gingersnaps Friendship festival will you come to Plymouth?I really hope you do.I could bring my sort of best friend with me and we could sort things out.=] Any way I love love,peace,and Chocolate because It really cheers me up. I would love to do a festival like that.Hopefully I could perswade our school to do it.Then your Campervan could visit.Because I have a obsession with VW campervans.!
    Hahha! Well I hope you come to plymouth
    evie x

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  6. omg i am one of the winners of the eatser bunnie comp xx thank you sooo much xxx your the best cathy xx well done to all the winners xx

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
  7. hi cathy u rock i am quite a recent reader but i hav already read all but 1 driftwood my favourite book is scarlett she is passionate and diffrent to any other character i have ever read about i can’t wait till you release gingersnaps love rachel xxxxxxx

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
  8. Love your books! Keep on writing please! Love the sneaky peeks on Gingersnaps! Is the My Best Friend Rocks entry the same as last year but the prizes are different? I’ll enter again but with my best friend from secondary school.
    S xxx.

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  9. heya. i read sudae girl and its faaaaab! ive entered the MBFR comp – my best friend liv totally rocks! (with a capital’R’)
    p.s i love ice cream!! (random)

    Posted by: X on 7th November 2017
  10. I think your books are amazing i read ice cream and dreams its so good i couldn’t put it down till a had finnish and i have also readsudae girl it so fab aswell your amazing XXXXOOOO ME Gillian XOXOXO

    Posted by: G on 7th November 2017

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