You have until April 1st to send your entries in for the MY BEST FRIEND ROCKS comp… this year the prizes are bigger and better than ever, so don’t miss out! I’ve teamed up with the cool ‘n’ fabby MIZZ magazine and CHILDLINE, the amazing children’s charity, to make this year’s comp truly spectacular…

Do you have a friend in a million? A friend who has helped you through some tough times, or been through some ups and downs herself? Maybe she’s been your friend since forever, or perhaps she’s a new mate and you want to show her how much you care… well, this is your chance! Click MY BEST FRIEND ROCKS and find out exactly how to enter.

You can be as creative as like – get to work designing an entry that will really catch my eye, then send it in to the address on the MBFR link. We’ve had some fab entries so far… check out a few of my faves on the MBFR link see the kind of thing other people are doing! The Easter hols are a perfect time to do this… all that chocolate can only be an inspiration!

If you are one of the 100 finalists, you’ll be invited to my ULTIMATE FRIENDSHIP FESTIVAL on the banks of the River Thames in London, with your best friend and a parent/guardian, for a day of fun, friendship, workshops, makeovers and lots, lots more… you’ll get to meet me, too! The overall winner and five runners-up will be announced at a special ceremony that afternoon. The winners will win everything they need to create the sleepover of their dreams… sigh!

Don’t miss out – show your best friend how much SHE (or he!) rocks and get those entries rolling in before APRIL 1st. Good luck!

Sadly, for this year anyway, the comp is only open to readers in the UK & Ireland… sorry to all you overseas readers with brilliant best mates. Oh… and HAPPY EASTER!!!!

STOP PRESS!!!! The Winners of the EASTER BUNNY FREEBY COMP, online on Easter Monday, selected at random, are as follows: Lucy S, Hannah W, Rebeca K, Rachel H, Catherine M, Lauren H, Briony A, Natalie C, Sheena T & Zara S. Winners are from UK, Eire, USA, Singapore & New Zealand. Well done all!


  1. You can live anywhere in the UK, not just England. Check the MBFR link for all the details.

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  2. Heya cathy your books are just BRILL!!!! i’m now reading “lucky star” and it’s so good i cannot keep my eyes of it cuz it’s soooo COOL!!! KEEP MAKIN MORE BOOKS CATHY!!!!

    Love ya xx Jessie xx

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  3. helllo cathy ,just want to say happy easter to cathy and all cathys fab fans.a couple of days ago i felt like reading but i realised i had read evry book on my shelf,, i wanted to read one of your books but i had read them all, but i dicided to read scarlet as i forgot what happened init xx your books are the absoulote best x

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
  4. Hi Cathy, in your new paperback version of Lucky Star there’s the 1st chapter of Gingersnaps. i bought the first version of it (hardback) and so i can’t read the 1st chapter of it it’s soooo annoying. the extract in Ice cream and Dreams isn’t the first chapter either…..anyway (i’ll get to the point) i was wondering if you could put the first chapter on the website?? Thanks
    i’m a BIG BIG BIG BIG BIG fan
    Emily x

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  5. my nsme is amy i luv u books cathy i bought lucky star its so brill

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  6. NOOOOO!
    I live in the U.S., aswell as Jane.
    Maybe next year overseas readers can enter too…

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  7. hey!
    all your books are gr8, im a really big fan- my fav book is love,peace and chocolate, that is what gave me the idea of entering the comp- hopefully see ya at the festival!
    olivia xxx

    Posted by: O on 7th November 2017
  8. Its isnt really fair,you know? I already send my entry to the Best Friend Rocks contest,and you hadnt said anything about only UK people.My Best Friends and I are really dissapointed.Cant you do one to all members around the world ,please?

    Posted by: B on 7th November 2017
  9. Big Fan, sorry you are disappointed – it does clearly state on the MBFR link and on the terms and conditions (which everyone has to agree to before entering the comp) that only UK readers are eligible. As I have explained, that is because the 100 finalists need to get to London for the awards ceremnony, and that just won’t be possible for most overseas readers.
    I’d love to do an international MBFR but it would be very hard to organise – almost impossible for finalists to gather together in one place, as you can imagine! I will have a think about, though, I promise. Many of my other comps, like the writing comp and assorted website giveaways, are open to readers all around the world, and I do my very best to be fair to all readers, I promise.

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  10. hello cathy, i just want to say that my cousin jessica is a big fan off your books ,shes reading sundae girl and she absoultly loves it xx she wants to say thankyou for writing sundae girl and that it is the best book ever xx from jessica and rebecca xx

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017

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