Friday 21st October 2011
Did you make it along to an event and get your copy of Marshmallow Skye signed this year? If not, don’t panic… there are still some fab Cathy Cassidy signings scheduled in before Christmas! Over the next few Saturdays, I will be signing books in CARLISLE (22nd October), KILMARNOCK (12th November), NEWCASTLE (19th November) and BELFAST (26th November)… come along to say hi, get your books signed and join in the marshmallow madness! Click here for more details…
I’m back home after my epic tour now, my cold is all better and I am finishing off the first draft of SUMMER’S DREAM, the third in the CHOCOLATE BOX GIRL series which will be out in JULY 2012.
While I was away, I managed to finish the judging for the last writing comp and the RESULTS are now up online… take a look and let me know what you think of the winning extracts! I think they are AWESOME. You might even get inspired and decide to enter the new writing comp yourself… check out the WRITER’S WORKSHOP page to find out what to do, and check out my top tips for young writers.
Cathy, I love all of your books especially indigo blue and Scarlett and dizzy they r awesome
My best friend definitely rocks!!! She got me a signed copy of your book while she was in London! Unfortunately, she didn’t meet you, but bought a signed copy in the shop! I read it in a day and it was amazing! I can’t wait for Summer’s Dream!!! Keep writing Cathy, you books are amazing!
I didnt manage to get to any of your signings but I would like to say a HUGE thankyou to you because earlier this year in October I recieved a letter from you and I just wanted you to know I really appreciated it,thankyouu!♥
@CC,for the love writing competition could we write a song?Or could you maybe have a song writing competition?♥
I was reading Marshmallow Skye last night and thought of a good name for Honey’s book. Honey Sweet! Do you like it? Please send an email if you do!
@CC Where else can I contact you? I would really like your advice on writing books!
I love your books however i am forbidden to read becuase my mother hates it
I got a WHSmith voucher for Christmas, but I was aloud to spend it now, so, today, I bought Marshmallow Skye, I’m only meant to read it at Christmas, but hey, I can’t wait that long can I? I’ve nearly finished it! LOVE IT!
Hey Cathy I am so sad that it is impossible for me to meet you and go to one of your signings
considering I live in Australia! Hopefully one day you will come to Australia
love you lots and love your breath taking books ! You actually inspired me to right and in year five I actually won an award for the best writer in year five ! I was crying I was so happy and it’s all thanks to you for inspiring me to write
bless your heart 
Please could you come to North Wales sometime? I have read Cherry crush and marshmellow skye loved them both!