Friday 21st October 2011
Did you make it along to an event and get your copy of Marshmallow Skye signed this year? If not, don’t panic… there are still some fab Cathy Cassidy signings scheduled in before Christmas! Over the next few Saturdays, I will be signing books in CARLISLE (22nd October), KILMARNOCK (12th November), NEWCASTLE (19th November) and BELFAST (26th November)… come along to say hi, get your books signed and join in the marshmallow madness! Click here for more details…
I’m back home after my epic tour now, my cold is all better and I am finishing off the first draft of SUMMER’S DREAM, the third in the CHOCOLATE BOX GIRL series which will be out in JULY 2012.
While I was away, I managed to finish the judging for the last writing comp and the RESULTS are now up online… take a look and let me know what you think of the winning extracts! I think they are AWESOME. You might even get inspired and decide to enter the new writing comp yourself… check out the WRITER’S WORKSHOP page to find out what to do, and check out my top tips for young writers.
I hope I can come to one of your book signings- it would be great to meet you Cathy!
Hi Cathy
I love your books!! I asked my mum to buy me Marshmallow Skye for my birthday(which was a few weeks ago) but sadly i didn’t get… I think i might be getting it for christmas though!! Can you give me any hints what it might contain?? Love and wishes Elise xxxx
When i didn’t get Marshmallow Skye for my birthday i was soooo upset that i cried!! My mom saw how upset i was and went out and bought it for me the very next day! Am loving so far and can’t wait to see what happens next! Millie xx
WOW! I just finished reading Angel Cake and it was amazing,I imagined Anya and Dan holding hands and escaping together in some wonderland. How nice thanx
Hi cathy,
I loved marshmallow skye. Most of the time I don’t like your endings because there’s to much suspense but in marshmallow skye it’s perfect. I love all your books. I’ve even read peace love and chocolate. My friend and I are going to go to scotland and england when were older on a gap year. Were going to hire a gypsy caravan to travel around in.
cathy, yew never replied to any communts on the paje, i know your realy busy but i’d realy luv for yew to reply to them…it sez: my anty has got me indigo blue i am on chapter free rite now, it is greyt and i luv how you feel like yew are the caricter! yew are a fantastic orther and i fink you shud keep writing! its a shame i missed the book signing thow
i want to be a writer when im older but my spelling isnt good (or my gramer!) so i don’t think i stand any chance but i will keep on trying. i am writig a story called ‘If you love me, then you’ll die’..its not realy a good title, hav you got any sujestions? thankyou 
(i’m not sure how to make the title short and snappy, i waz thinking about making a seris of boocs called ‘Elda Mystery’ what dew yew fink? xxxxxxxx P.s* please try ‘n repyly
I’m s-o-o-o-o happy! The only CC book I haven’t got is Love, Peace and Chocolate…and I’ve got it as a Christmas Present (my aunty told me she’s got it)…woooooooooooo!
You are my No.1 favourite author! Keep writing! xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Hi Cathy,
Marshmellow Sky was a gorgeous book and i can’t wait until your next book comes out.
My freinds and i have started a book club together (just 3 of us) at the Moment we a reading a trilogy called The Keepers by Lian Tanner and when we finish we will start on the chocolate box girls which was my choice yay.
We live in Australia and i’ve always dremnt of seeing you so i’m so glad i’m actually sending you a message.
bye Maeve
PS i’m going to try and read all your books on the summer holidays which is in 2 weeks)
Cathy i cannot let go of any of your books they are all tottaly amazing i really got stuck into Indigo Blue, Cherry Crush and Marshmellow skye (i haven’t read all of your books)you r litteraly my BEST AUTHER IN THE WORLD.
i read them all in less than 1week they where sooooooooooooooooo good.
i wish you could cometo the waterstones in Hull (cause thats where i live)so i could come to the sighning but honestly Cathy you are my STAR
When are you coming to Australia? Make sure you come down to Melbourne if you can!
I love your awesome books Cathy and you inspire me to write my own stories and imagine whatever I want. Your truly inspiring.