Did you make it along to an event and get your copy of Marshmallow Skye signed this year? If not, don’t panic… there are still some fab Cathy Cassidy signings scheduled in before Christmas! Over the next few Saturdays, I will be signing books in CARLISLE (22nd October), KILMARNOCK (12th November), NEWCASTLE (19th November) and BELFAST (26th November)… come along to say hi, get your books signed and join in the marshmallow madness! Click here for more details…

I’m back home after my epic tour now, my cold is all better and I am finishing off the first draft of SUMMER’S DREAM, the third in the CHOCOLATE BOX GIRL series which will be out in JULY 2012.

While I was away, I managed to finish the judging for the last writing comp and the RESULTS are now up online… take a look and let me know what you think of the winning extracts! I think they are AWESOME. You might even get inspired and decide to enter the new writing comp yourself… check out the WRITER’S WORKSHOP page to find out what to do, and check out my top tips for young writers.


  1. i went to the edinburgh book festival and got marshmallow skye it was a signed copy its my most precious book do you think you will ever come to ireland

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  2. Thank you Cathy Cassidy for showing me that anyone can be who they want to be. And thank you for writing MARSHMALLOW SKYE. Thanks forever and always,

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017
  3. hi cathy i love your books i was at your book signing in belfast on saturday i hope you remember love Rosa

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
  4. Cathy it was the BEST ever!
    1.Was it hard to write?
    2.Is it ok that it gave me an idea for a story and Skye is the main character and has a twin and love 1920 vintage and makes up a girl from the 1920s and finds out she is related and is called Jane and Skye`s twin in Star!
    3. I also use Honey but named Robin and looks abit different and likes boys and fashion
    4.i used Coco but she is Hope and likes animals and is a tomboy and likes football
    4. Star live with there dad in London and has secret girlfriend!
    5. Cathy do you think these ideas are good or what because i am puting them in a competion and i want my all time faroite hero to tell me if its gud

    Posted by: I on 7th November 2017
  5. Im reading Marshmallow Skye and i ♥ it!
    i got your email Cathy! I read it over and over and over again!xxxxxxxxxx love Aoife xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  6. i missed your book signing because i had to do a test at school ( on a saturday i know) (i made a wish though, like Dizzy, that i do well) PLEASE could you try to do a book signing in Omagh, Northern Ireland.
    my three favourite books in the whole world are SCARLET, DIZZY and MATILDA. I am writing a story right now about a girl called Daisy, any tips? oh, and incase you want to know, your my hero!! Lots of Love, From Lucia Shanelle Cathers, Age 10, Northern Ireland… xx

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  7. OMG! Thank you for sending me an email! I was like omg omg omg ! she actually wrote me an email!! u get soooooooo many fans i didnt think u wud write 2 me! me and my bf Deirbhle are mad about ur books u r the best author in the world! if u go book signing in mayo any time nxt year we will be there !! we read ur book marshmallow skye wowee its brill! i love it ! keep writing brill books

    N0.1 Fans,
    Marshmallow madness!
    Aoife and Deirbhle xxx

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  8. After reading scarlett last night,i had a dream that i was searcing for someone whilst riding a black horse.Then i stopped.A boy.Came towards me.slowly touching my cheek and smiling…..

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  9. Do you know when you might be coming to London or to be more precise High Wycombe because ive never ever been to one of your signings and ive read all your book and I think your amazing.Its my dream to meet you please come to London!!!! xxxxx

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  10. After reading scarlett last night,i had a dream that i was searcing for someone whilst riding a black horse.Then i stopped.A boy.Came towards me.slowly touching my cheek and smiling…
    and then he pulled out a tray of chocolates and said ‘thorntons is closing down. want one?’
    really. ha ha ha. not.

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
