Friday 21st October 2011
Did you make it along to an event and get your copy of Marshmallow Skye signed this year? If not, don’t panic… there are still some fab Cathy Cassidy signings scheduled in before Christmas! Over the next few Saturdays, I will be signing books in CARLISLE (22nd October), KILMARNOCK (12th November), NEWCASTLE (19th November) and BELFAST (26th November)… come along to say hi, get your books signed and join in the marshmallow madness! Click here for more details…
I’m back home after my epic tour now, my cold is all better and I am finishing off the first draft of SUMMER’S DREAM, the third in the CHOCOLATE BOX GIRL series which will be out in JULY 2012.
While I was away, I managed to finish the judging for the last writing comp and the RESULTS are now up online… take a look and let me know what you think of the winning extracts! I think they are AWESOME. You might even get inspired and decide to enter the new writing comp yourself… check out the WRITER’S WORKSHOP page to find out what to do, and check out my top tips for young writers.
Thank you for your email Cathy my friends will be impressed.xxxxxx:D
i loved marshmallow skye book it was SSSSSSOOOOOO GOOD I cant wait til the other books come out
yew never replyed to my other mesej so i’ve sending it again:
i want to be a writer when im older but my spelling isnt good (or my gramer!) so i don’t think i stand any chance but i will keep on trying. i am writig a story called ‘If you love me, then you’ll die’..its not realy a good title, hav you got any sujestions? thankyou 
my anty has got me indigo blue i am on chapter free rite now, it is greyt and i luv how you feel like yew are the caricter! yew are a fantastic orther and i fink you shud keep writing! its a shame i missed the book signing thow
Hello Cathy,
I adore your books so much the firt ever book I read by you was Scarlet I loved it so much i decide to read more I just cannot get my head out of your books thanks to you I have improved in my English and I now am one of the most talented in my classroom you have inspired me soo much!!
I love reading so much and i love Enlgish thanks to you, you Rock!!
I was born in 09/09/99 and my lucky number is 9 I bet you know why!
I was born in Nigeria and I am youruba.
Two things I would love for you to do is reply me and another thing is to use my names in one of your new books.
If you actualy reply me i might cry because it would be such an honour to be hearing from you. When I read your books I feel I have been put in the possition narrator I also takes notes of the magnificent words you use and use them in my writing in S’cool (Geddit) I also learnt some new words through reading your books! The person who erged me to write to you is my friends mum she made me promise and now i feel good about it.
Another thing i learnt is to spell better i know i’m still not an expert at it but i try.
Your The Best Auther Ever!!!!
Please Reply Me And Don’t Forget The Favors…
Your BIGGEST Fan And Most Inspired!!!
Deborah Afolabi!!
P.S if you want a picture of me go on SINGUP.ORG then type Linton Mead Primary School and search… Next scrol down and click on the environmental sond you should get a close up (its me when i was in yr 3 cute huh)
Bye I Adore You Don’t Forget
ok, so i was like, reading a book of yurs and i thort it was fabyewlus ! such an amazink authorr like yeahhhhhhhh amazinggggg
hey Cathy, I loved Marshmallow Skye! It was fabulous and I really loved the story line… it is defiantly the best book i have ever read. xxx
Just reading it and i am lovin it
Hi cathy gr8 news for you in my class none of the girls never used to know about you. (well except for me and my BFF) when those girls are now loving your books all because of you your books are gr8 and they inspired me to tell the world about you so keep rocking your books and a quick question when will the next diary entrie come out ok by BAE (best author ever)
Hello. I didn’t know i could post things here. I need to update myself.
Hi Cathy i have just started reading your books and i love them. I have told my friends to start to read your books and they did. Your awesome :):) xx