Friday 21st October 2011
Did you make it along to an event and get your copy of Marshmallow Skye signed this year? If not, don’t panic… there are still some fab Cathy Cassidy signings scheduled in before Christmas! Over the next few Saturdays, I will be signing books in CARLISLE (22nd October), KILMARNOCK (12th November), NEWCASTLE (19th November) and BELFAST (26th November)… come along to say hi, get your books signed and join in the marshmallow madness! Click here for more details…
I’m back home after my epic tour now, my cold is all better and I am finishing off the first draft of SUMMER’S DREAM, the third in the CHOCOLATE BOX GIRL series which will be out in JULY 2012.
While I was away, I managed to finish the judging for the last writing comp and the RESULTS are now up online… take a look and let me know what you think of the winning extracts! I think they are AWESOME. You might even get inspired and decide to enter the new writing comp yourself… check out the WRITER’S WORKSHOP page to find out what to do, and check out my top tips for young writers.
Hi Erin… sadly it will be a while before I am back in Ayrshire after the Kilmarnock event. Why not leave your books at the venue to be signed and collect them after the party? xxx
Hi Cathy,
I just moved away from England and didn’t get to come to any book signings. Do you think you’ll be around the Channel Islands at any time?
Hey Cathy
hope your well and dreaming up your next choclate box girl book as i love the series so far. could you possibly visit surrey prefrebly near Guilford? i know its a long way away from scottland but i adore your books and i would love to meet you. The book that means the most to me is my edition of Sundea Girl (sorry if i splet it wrong.) not because its my fave book i could never pick a fave book but my Gran died of altsimerz (wrong spelling again)and when she did it broke my heart and in sundea girl you expressed the pain and anger so well it made me cry. Now that edition of your book sits on top of her grave and i like to think she reads it and when ever i go to her grave i talk to her abotu in my head. One question about your books why does the main charachter’s parent nearly alsways have to be split up? love them all any way. Zara 12.xx
What’s your comment?when you coming to sacred heart school in camberwell or Eltham or bromely glades in waterstones
hi cc me and my friends all read cherry crush and marshmallow skye a couple months ago and we are still talking about how awsomse it was and what will happen and the front cover will look like in the next books infact we talked about it so much our school libarian had to order more because we told so many people about it and people that couldnt wait bought a copy so half the girl in p5 and p6 at law primary have now read or borrowed marshmallow skye
Marshmallow Skye was amazing! So different to the other books, and nothing like I expected. I really wish that Alfie and Skye would get together though!
hey i loved cherry crush and i am loving “marshmallow Skye” i can’t wait for “Summer’s dream” i love the chocolate box series i have never read anything that i have been so intresting in please keep writing your books are amazing!!!! x
Hi Cathy!
I love your books a lot but I don’t really think you should sell the new covers that have the pictures of the ‘characters’ on the front because it won’t let people use their imagination! I thought ALL of the characters on the books looked really different, especially Cherry, Scarlett and Mouse!
So please, let people use their imagination!!
Love, Peace and Chocolate
Anna x
I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU ANNA! you should keep the old covers with the doodles on them and all the creativity and beauty. Not some stranger on the front of your beautiful books!! At least just for the rest of The Chocolate Box Girls. Please Cathy! PLEASE! PS: girls on the front of the books i mean no harm, but you must admit they were abit more creative!!!
Luv Sah
Hi Cathy!
i am your No.1 i have just finished Marshmallow Skye it was fantastic i even cried a bit!!!It is my birthday this weekend and i am getting some more of your books and i hope to come to one of your signings soon!Please write a new Chocolate Box Girls soon1
thank you
love, peace and chocolate Katie x