It’s tour time again… to celebrate the launch of Bittersweet and Summer’s Dream going into paperback I am doing lots of school visits, signings and book festivals around the country. Woo hoo!

So far I’ve been to Liverpool, Blackpool, Southport, Preston and Wimbledon and met some amazing, lovely readers… and school visits to Brentford, Tonbridge, Maidstone, Leamington, Bromsgrove, Halesowen, Stoke, Dudley, Stourport, West Bromwich, Sandwell, Cardiff, Gloucester & Worcester are still to come! There are public signings too, at GUILDFORD, TUNBRIDGE WELLS, BELFAST, WEST BROMWICH, WORCESTER & OXFORD… check out the EVENTS page and my FACEBOOK for more info. Maybe YOU can com along to one of the signings – that would be cool!

Have you checked out our fab COULD YOU BE COCO comp yet? You have until the 22nd to get your audition films in to Puffin! It doesn’t matter if you don’t have exactly the right hair colour or style, if you are older, younger, have darker skin… we are looking for readers who are comfortable in front of a camera. If you live overseas but REALLY want to enter, go for it… just make it clear you are not from the UK. We are looking for talent as well as the perfect actress to play Coco, so even if you’re not quite right for her, we may be able to find something for you! You’ve nothing to lose, so give it a go!

World Book Day has finally arrived… so have you got your copy of BITTERSWEET yet? It won’t be on the shelves for long, so don’t waste time – get your copy today! BITTERSWEET costs just £1 (free with your World Book Day token!) so it makes a perfect pressie for friends too! It’s on sale in Waterstones, WH Smith, all good indie bookshops, Tesco, Asda and even in some schools… what are you waiting for? Read Shay’s story and let me know what you think!

See you soon!



  1. hi cathy
    i met you at cardinalallen high school when i heard i could meet you i screamed. i love all the books i have read of yours such as coco caramel summers dream driftwood driftwood Scarlett indigo blue lucky star and sundae girl

    Posted by: B on 7th November 2017
