Hiya! It’s Christmas morning and I wanted to wish you all a fab day… I hope Santa was good to you!!! Have a cool Christmas and don’t forget to tell me your best/worst pressies, fave Christmas food, festive traditions… and send a shout out greeting to other readers on this column… have fun!!!
If you don’t celebrate Christmas, have a great day anyway… why not tell us a bit about your festivals and celebrations, too?


  1. hii! merry xmas cathy! how was your xmas? my best present has to be a nintendo wii. i also got clothes and make-up + chocolate ( <- too much chocolate, lol) i cant believe xmas is already over! i spent so long getting excited 4 itt and now its over =[ x the doodles and daydreams book sounds fab btw x reely lkin forward to getting it x
    merry xmass!! x …
    jessie x

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  2. merry xmas. i got some jewellery, some bath smellies, some choccies, £200 (cool) and of course a copy of Dizzy and Driftwood. Just what i wanted!

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  3. Hey Cathy,
    For christmas I had lovely ugg boots, eye shadow set, chinese pyjamas, x factor chareoke, diamond neclace, diamond earrings, Nike clothing & my bffl gave me a blue (fave colour) starred (fave sign) pyjamas & I always wear them ;D

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  4. Hi!!
    I got somw fab presents , a foot spar , money for the new laptrop im on now!, New uggs (real), Books,Katy perry tickets,cds, Smellies,chocolates, make-up, dvds, clothes,fluffy pjs which r great, killer heels , zebra pumps and the most amazing 8ct goold pearl earings I LOVE U SANTA CLAUSE hahah!#
    I got diares and im gonna write in everyday!

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  5. Hi! Christmas was very…er…Christmas-y. I got a Now 71 CD (which I cracked the case of since I’m such a ditz), a very big make-up brief-case with ity-bitty lip gloss and eye-shadow sets (cute), Gingersnaps (I feel sooo sorry for Ginger at first – I’m glad I never got bullied in Primary School), Sundae Girl (I really like Jude for some reason) and other books which are less important (sorry Karen McCombie!). My baby bro got cute stuff – not in lip-gloss cute but as in fluffy-bunny cute. I hope you had a nice Christmas CC! x Eve

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  6. I had a cool christmas I hope you did too
    I got a watch and too of cathy’s books;lucy star and driftwood also some lovly new boots and my 1st high heels!
    my dog is sick boo-hoo but he’ll get better soon
    hope you had a nice xmas and have a happy new year!

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  7. hey evreyone! hope u all had a great xmas coz i did!! I got a nintendo wii,sewing machine,pop party 6,now thats what i call xmas cd,LOADS of choclate and some other goodies!I ate nealy all my xmas dinner and had fun playing at my nans house with my new pressies! have a happy new year evrey one! luv and xxx Joanne!

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  8. Heyaah Guys Its so exciting.
    Im on my new laptop its amazing 😀

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  9. I luvd all my prezzies! Got lots of money (£260 to be exact!), make-up, an ipod nano chromatic and a wii, wii fit and ALL the accessories! I am sooooo happy

    Posted by: F on 7th November 2017
  10. also got lots of choccies, absoulutely GORGEOUS pj’s, books (of course) and DVD’s, CD’s things like that!

    Posted by: F on 7th November 2017
