Wednesday 13th June 2012
This weekend I’ll be in LEEDS and SHEFFIELD, so hope to see you there… but if you cannot come to an event grab a copy of GIRL TALK mag for news of an exciting Summer’s Dream themed comp!
Tickets are still available for my event in LEEDS this weekend… hear all about the new book, how I work and how I get my ideas… and have a chance to ask your own questions too! I’ll be signing books too… don’t miss out! Click the link to find out more… and see you there!
In the afternoon I will be signing books at Waterstones Meadowhall in SHEFFIELD, so if you can’t get along to Leeds, see you in Sheffield!
An AMAZING new competition has just gone live on the website – grab a copy of GIRL TALK mag for all the info, or click the link to see how YOUR creative skills can win you some fabby prizes!
OK… back to my packing now… see you soon!
Cathy xxx
I love u cathy. Will you please come to dunfermline some time so I can meet you please.
Love Emmaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
plzzz com to ireland
please come to Devon as you never come here and make it near Exeter or Torquay
I just finished Summers Dream..
I used to be pretty unhappy with my weight – not anymore! Thank you for letting me accept myself
Can’t wait until Coco Caramel! xxx
I love you Cathy!!! you are my all time favourite writer x I can’t make it this weekend
but i am such a big fan and have almost read all your books the best charecter is Cherry from the chocolate box girls xxx Luv Amelia xx
OMG! I can’t wait till your next Chocolate Box Girl comes out! I’ve already got Cherry Crush, Marshmallow Skye and Summer’s Dream!
i m a BIG fan of ur i have all ur book but they r not sighned coz i live in India….
Still i love ur books, waithing of ur next book sweet honey……
hey cathy, I just read summers dream and I started as soon as i got then that night I stayed up till two o’clock and finished it. It was amazing. I can’t wait to read coco’s book especially cause I love animals so much! Me and my best friend would love it if you could please come to australia, especially melbourne?
love Semele
Please come to down under Cathy. We need you!!!!
Hi Cathy,
I was just wondering, will you ever be coming to Belfast, Magherafelt or Derry in Ireland because I am a really big fan! xx