Friends Around the World…
Wednesday 23rd May 2007
Have you & your best mate(s) entered the fab My Best Friend Rocks competition yet? You could win the sleepover of your dreams… and come to London to meet me at a special mini Frienship Festival and Award Ceremony! The closing date is Friday June 1st – go for it!
Check out the MBFRocks page on the webby for more info on how to enter, and make your entries as creative as you like! We’ve had masses of entries already, so don’t miss out – tell me just how cool your best friend is. You might just be lucky!
Getting emails from my readers is like making lots of new friends, and sometimes those emails come from all around the world…
i’m Tongan. i grew up in Australia but i’m back in Tonga now.. and i’m trying to save up so i can order your fantastic books…
I absolutely LOVE your books, but I live in the States and I’m not sure if you can send your newsletter to me over here. I have read all the books of yours that I can find here, and the ones I can’t I order from You are the coolest writer EVER!
Claire, if you’re overseas, you can still sign up for the free online newsletter – and keep up with all my news. What are you waiting for?!!!
I looked at your camper tour thingy, and none of then were in the United States. I live in New York City, and I want you to come here! Me and my friends love your books!
i am from india and i luv your books! They r awesome!!!
I live in South Africa in Cape Town and I am a huge fan. I cannot tell how much I have enjoyed your books! I have bought all of them now and I could read them over and over again!! Everybody at my school knows your name and loves your books! It is like you become the 12 year old girl with your interesting details and descriptions, I can really relate to them.
Love your books!! I live in Tasmania and I want to get a copy of ‘Love, Peace and Chocolate’ but we don’t have Mizz magazine over here. I love your book Dizzy it is my favorite book ever. I wish Dizzy and Finn were real because I could really picture them all…
Love the books. I live in Bangladesh, but I am from England and Canada. I go to the American International School in Dhaka…
bassicalli everyone in ma skl nd class luv u nd ur books! thanx! i’m frm nigeria…
I am 13 and come from West Africa but live in UK now. I’d love to be an author. I really love your books, my favourite is Indigo Blue…
If you’re a reader from outside the UK, this is your chance to post a comment online… The MBFRocks Comp is only open to readers from UK & Eire, because overseas readers won’t be able to get to the Award Ceremony – but wherever you are, you can still tell me why your best friend’s so cool… or what you think of the books!
my BFF is in Surry England and i live in Russia Moscow. We keep intouch every day lol on skype and our phones. I am 11 and she is too. She came to Russia and gave me so many sprizes. I came to England and the frist thing i did was see her. We are all going to spain in a villa for 1 week. it is so cool because we are all ways going to be BFF’S!!!!
Hi!! i woz born in ozzi, but i live in new zealand and i luv ur books! mi fave is scarlett and driftwood coz im kinda lyk scarlett and joey. u rocccc! i think love, peace and chocolate is guna be mi new fave (i havnt read it or sundae girl yet) luv u rokaz out ther!
Id have looved to have entered your competition.. but it was only for people in the UK.. Im an Auzzie! Oh well… i stilll entered your other writting compettions.
Placed an order for Sundae Girl… they said copies were gonna go quick!
Hi Cathy! I entered your competition and i saw it placed on the table in the ‘need inspiration bit!’ Im so chuffed! good look to everybody! im just glad that iv’e actually been noticed, and i might have a chance!!! anyways, GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE WHO ENTERED!! xxxxxxx
I can’t wait to find out who wins! I’m soo nervous because my best friend and I put so much work into it!
hey, i think your books are super cool. I firstly read sundae gal and i carried on from there. My friend and me are always swapping your books. I love them soo. Your soooo talented.
Hi. I live in Moscow and go to BIS Moscow school 2. I have friends all round the world now. England, South Africa, America, Mexico, Belgium, Slovakia, Russia and Italy. But at school there is only 1 cute boy!!! But i don’t like him. Even worse he lives Next door. People all like him but only one girls has been to his house. ME!!! but oh well. We are friends and you can talk to him. So i have friends all ove the world. P.S. he’s the one from Italy