Finn, Kian… or Carter?
Wednesday 16th May 2007
I’ve been getting lots of emails from girls who’ve fallen for the boy characters in my books… and it got me wondering. Who is your fave boy character so far?
Here are some of your emails….
Laura says…
Is finn from dizzy based on a real person because i have fallen in love with him! Every time i read about him i can’t get him out of my head….
Gemma says…
How do you come up with the ideas for your books? They are like what I’d love my life to be like, but you make it come out better than I can explain. In Sundae Girl, Carter is like the perfect best friend – how come I never meet boys like that?
Maddy says…
I have just read Dizzy for the second time and I’m sorry, but where
all the Finns in this world? He is such a loving character, so free
and caring. Dizzy is such a lucky girl!!!! I love the bit where Dizzy and Finn go to the beach for the day and end up kissing! It was like a fairy tale and it makes you go all gooey inside!!!!
Emily says…
I’ve read Dizzy, Indigo Blue Driftwood and Scarlett. You make the characters so real, like they could go to any school or festival or just be around the corner. When you described Finn (from Dizzy) and Paul (from Driftwood) I just thought why can’t boys be like that in real life? Imean why can’t they just be at least HALF of that?
Sarita says…
I just finished reading Scarlett and now I can’t get Kian out of my head. He is my perfect boy, gorgeous, mysterious, cool and kind. I wish he was real! Whenver I read your books I always fall for the boys. Oops!
So… which boy character is YOUR favourite – and why? Finn from Dizzy, Shane from Indigo, Paul from Driftwood? Or maybe Kian from Scarlett, Carter from Sundae Girl or even dodgy Jack from Love, Peace & Chocolate? Let me know!!!
Cathy x
i luv finn………
well in real life i like this boy!
all u cathy fans out there.. gime advice on how 2……make him like me!!
just tell me cee cee u gotta……i dunno be ur self!!!
dear Cee Cee,
if hes anything like finn, carter, paul, kian and that sk8ter person (indigo blue)
then i think u should hang out with him and b ur self!!
eww… i hate carter he is so gross.. how can anyone like him??”!!
I love finn, kian, mouse
BUT NOT Carter!!!!!
he is sooo dry
I think all the boyz you write about are so spectacular.
However, if i were to pick one….. i’d have to say Paul he is so…. amazing
in a loving way
Cathy 4 eva
yours truely
Carter is my one and only true love……………..( plus hes gook at roller blading)
when i first read sundea girl i hated carter, i just didnt like him but now egsacly 23mins ago i read it again(im a fast reader)and now i am hoplessly in love with him, well maybe not as much as i love someone else, edward…. but i still think hes cute!!!
Has to be Kian or Finn – they’re sooo cool, nice, kind and caring. I love the way Finn and Dizzy were friends even when they were little. It’s the perfect type of boyfriend/friend to have, a special childhood friend who you’ve actually known since forever! Wish I had someone like that for real. Fat chance.
i think you should turn dizzy in to a movie coz all the girls seem to have fallen in love with the guys in the book so why dont make a movie and you should get good reason to coz your books are great and if they love your books so much then maybe they will love the movie more and i hope it comes a hit plus if you make it a movie you can put more stuff in it and the people around the world should fall in love with the work that you have done and plus maybe its not all about the guys its just every girls dream to find a man just like that witch gives girl reason to fall in love with your books
OMG I’m in love with Finn! The way Cathy descried him makes him seem so gorgeous! Kian is really romantic and mysterious too! I just wish boys like that existed at my school (yeah right)! I’ve never fallen in love with a character from a book before but all I can say is I love Finn and I love Kian!