Sunday 10th February 2008
I’m off on tour now until 23rd Feb… phew!!! Hope you can come and see me somewhere along the way to get your books signed and help me to celebrate the launch of Lucky Star in paperback… and get your free mini book, Ice Cream & Dreams, with Feb 7th Mizz mag.
I’ll be doing public signings in Craigavon (N. Ireland), Dublin, Chorley, Bramhall (Stockport), Yeovil, Bornemouth & Guildford… check out the Cathy’s Camper page for more details and come along! I’ll also be visiting schools in Newry, Ascot, Mill Hill, Chorley, Cheshire, Wirral and Coventry… hi to everyone there!!!
I will be away from my desk for a whole fortnight, so please be patient if you don’t get a reply to your emails for a while. Keep sending your comments in, though, especially if you’re able to come along to one of the tour dates… I’ll post the best online!!!
I love your books i think their super duper and i want to ask you a question how do you come up with your ideas for your books? Can’t wait to read your next book
Coventry girl Serena xx
i think you are a brill writer!!!!!! i love mouse he sounds so cute!!!!!!!!!!!
Ur books rule! maybe could u continue writing books about mouse and cat cos that book was the best. I read all ur books. soz bout ur dad. luv,
Hey Cathy I love your books they are really brill! I was so pleased to see that you were coming to Dublin but then I saw that you were going to be there I realised I had school that day!!! I would have loved to come but next time your in Ireland (and its not a school day!!) I be sure to come!!!Can’t wait for Ginger Snaps to come out!!!
Love Rebecca xxx
Hey Cathy !! Just finished readin ice creams and dreams and i luved it !! Dizzy is reali gud 2 !!
Luv ciz xxx
I love You!! Can You Please Come To Glasgow For A Book Signing?? I Would So Be There!!!
i live in the U.S.A. , but i love your books ! some day i want to vist england and buy some of your books !
Hiya! met you at st mics in chorley was great> luv ur buks. :]
I bought MIZZ magazine just so I could read your book! I really enjoyed when you came to North Berwick Libary (I was there) and gave us tips on how to day dream in class I can’t wait to try them out in my maths lesson on Monday
Cya Anya.X