Well it’s cool all right – positively arctic, in fact. Here in Scotland we’ve had hurricanes, floods, blizzards, hail, sleet, even thunder and lightning! I don’t care, because it’s almost Christmas and that’s my FAVOURITE time of year. Over on the Secret Superfan Page you’ll find reader’s tips on fab make-it-yourself Christmas prezzies, as well as a picture challenge that could win you a signed CC book… take a look! If you still don’t have the password, sign up for the free online newsletter because there’s a clue in every issue!

I’m working like mad to finish off the second draft of Summer’s Dream. The publication date has been brought forward a whole month, so it will now be out in JUNE 2012! I’ve even seen a cover rough, and hopefully I’ll be able to give you a sneak peek at that soon! In the New Year I’ll be writing a 4th Daizy Star book, and then settling down to begin the 4th Chocolate Box Girl story, Coco Caramel… it’s going to be a busy year!

Right now though, I am wrapping prezzies and hanging fairy lights and perfecting my mince pies… mmmm! I can’t wait for the snow to start falling, for everyone to be home for Christmas, because that’s when the fun really begins. What do YOU like best about Christmas? And which books are you hoping for in your Christmas stocking?


Comments on COOL CHRISTMAS!!!

  1. Merry Christmas Cathy! And Juliet, just ask your Mum and Dad because they write a letter to santa asking for it 🙂 Merry Christmas EVERYONE, have fun and think of others. Remember what Christmas is all about…Family and friends <3 xxxxxx

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  2. Tommorrows X-mas! Hope I get some Cathy Cassidy Books for Christmas! MERRY CHRISTMAS to all the Girls around the world!
    Love, Peace & Chocolate

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  3. Happy christmas to everyone!! My favourite part of christmas is everyone being together as a family! I must admit, I love snow, but we have had no snow AT ALL this year, unfair or what?!! Keep writing Cathy, xx

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
  4. Merry Christmas! SOOO excited Christmas tomorrow!! Am hoping to get Cherry Crush. I’m from South Africa and SO many people in SA love your books I really think you should come out here some time.
    Can’t wait for tomorrow X) *SO EXCITED*
    Laura xxx

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  5. Hi again, I wish it was cold and snowy at Christmas time in South Africa. It is our summer at the end of the year (not that it makes much different our winters are like our summers) but it get SO hot and doesn’t really feel like Christmas. But I’m still so excited X)

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  6. i dont know if you remember but you emailed me!!!!!!! i was soooo happy i nearly went through the roof!!!!!! (and this year i would LOVE the dreams and doodles daybook!!)

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  7. Merry Christmas Cathy Cassidy and fans! I hope you all have a great time! Can’t wait for Summer’s Dream and the others. You’re and awesome writer! Love all your books! Tomorrow will be great! Kayleigh.(14)xxxxx (Ireland)

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  8. Happy X-mas Cathy! I’m hoping to get Angel cake and cherry crush tomorrow!
    Your books are the best! 😀
    <3 faith xXx

    Posted by: F on 7th November 2017
  9. Have a very merry Christmas Cathy! Hope Santa’s good to you! And have a happy and healthy new year!!! Are you coming to the Edinburgh Book Festival next year in August? I’ve came to see you there for 3 years! 🙂 Please come again!

    from Ruth xxx

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
  10. Hi shannon and a very merry christmas to you too! Thanks for the fab advice now i won’t worry

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
