Well it’s cool all right – positively arctic, in fact. Here in Scotland we’ve had hurricanes, floods, blizzards, hail, sleet, even thunder and lightning! I don’t care, because it’s almost Christmas and that’s my FAVOURITE time of year. Over on the Secret Superfan Page you’ll find reader’s tips on fab make-it-yourself Christmas prezzies, as well as a picture challenge that could win you a signed CC book… take a look! If you still don’t have the password, sign up for the free online newsletter because there’s a clue in every issue!

I’m working like mad to finish off the second draft of Summer’s Dream. The publication date has been brought forward a whole month, so it will now be out in JUNE 2012! I’ve even seen a cover rough, and hopefully I’ll be able to give you a sneak peek at that soon! In the New Year I’ll be writing a 4th Daizy Star book, and then settling down to begin the 4th Chocolate Box Girl story, Coco Caramel… it’s going to be a busy year!

Right now though, I am wrapping prezzies and hanging fairy lights and perfecting my mince pies… mmmm! I can’t wait for the snow to start falling, for everyone to be home for Christmas, because that’s when the fun really begins. What do YOU like best about Christmas? And which books are you hoping for in your Christmas stocking?


Comments on COOL CHRISTMAS!!!

  1. Hey Cathy,
    Here in Australia where I live it’s scorching 30-40 degrees celcius! And it is boiling! Anyways I’ve got to go I wish you and all your family a safe and happy Christmas!
    Love your #1 fan!

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017
  2. Here in India everybody including me are preparing for carol singing in the church.Its a big day .Hope I sing well.MERRY CHRISTMAS CATHY AND ALL THE KIDS ROUND THE WORLD.

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  3. O.M.G!!! 3 DAYS TILL XMAS!! YAY!!

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  4. hellow cathy casidy. Yew rock realy cooly, and i luv the way yew make it all seem real. I got in truble for something and i feel realy bad, i made my mum sad. i feel like i am abit like scarlett, a misfit. i do not fit in with the world, and all my frends don’t want to hang around wiv me anymoore. i thought frends were supposed to stick with yew no matter what? what shud i do? shud i email yew? i don’t know, i so confues, my life’s a mess! please reply. it’s easuer to talk too peepul behind a computer screan isn’t it?please reply XX

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  5. Im hoping for a lot of things: Clothes, DEsigner Sunnies, Make-Up, new hair-straightners and more more MORE books!
    But the best thing that i like about christmas, is seeing all my family at once! xx

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  6. i hope that i find marshmallow sky in my stocking on christmas morning. that would make my day the best x mas ever!

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  7. @ Laura (and anyone else who needs a personal reply) just email me on [email protected] and I will do my best to help.

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  8. cathy you are such a great writer and im a big fan of your’s please could you give me some tips on becoming a write thank you very much ,
    from saffron hamilton xxx

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  9. Hi Cathy! Love your books! Especially Cherry Crush! I am starting to write a ‘book’, if you will! I would like to make it as an author one day and I was wondering if you could give me any tips on how to get started once my ‘book’ is finished? What would I do with it? Of course it will take me ages and ages to finish it but I know that a lot of girls are in the same situation so could you shed a beacon of light onto our dark and cloudy days filled with confusion and desparation? 🙂 Thanks for reading, it means so much! Holly xXx

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  10. What I want in my stocking is Sam Taylor xxx I would love him to serenade him with his saxophone and let mee wear his trilby hat ahhhh x <3

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
