Well it’s cool all right – positively arctic, in fact. Here in Scotland we’ve had hurricanes, floods, blizzards, hail, sleet, even thunder and lightning! I don’t care, because it’s almost Christmas and that’s my FAVOURITE time of year. Over on the Secret Superfan Page you’ll find reader’s tips on fab make-it-yourself Christmas prezzies, as well as a picture challenge that could win you a signed CC book… take a look! If you still don’t have the password, sign up for the free online newsletter because there’s a clue in every issue!

I’m working like mad to finish off the second draft of Summer’s Dream. The publication date has been brought forward a whole month, so it will now be out in JUNE 2012! I’ve even seen a cover rough, and hopefully I’ll be able to give you a sneak peek at that soon! In the New Year I’ll be writing a 4th Daizy Star book, and then settling down to begin the 4th Chocolate Box Girl story, Coco Caramel… it’s going to be a busy year!

Right now though, I am wrapping prezzies and hanging fairy lights and perfecting my mince pies… mmmm! I can’t wait for the snow to start falling, for everyone to be home for Christmas, because that’s when the fun really begins. What do YOU like best about Christmas? And which books are you hoping for in your Christmas stocking?


Comments on COOL CHRISTMAS!!!

  1. I have just finished reading cherry crush and i was AMAZING!!! I have never liked ready but since i read your book i dont mind it now i have just got another one of your books out out local library and i cant wait to get started on ready it. Thank You Cathy 🙂 😀

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  2. I can’t wait for christmas either!I love the title of your new books “SUMMERS DREAM” it sounds like a tasty desert or something! =)

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  3. WOW! A few days till Christmas I am so exited I can’t believe the time just flies like that Cathy!

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  4. I definitely want summer dream in my stockings this year! But the best thing about christmas for me is spending time with my family ( oh and the presents) hehe merry christmas!

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017
  5. Cathy,im dying to read SUMMERS dream ever since october cant wait! Luv Rimmaa ur super fann

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
  6. Cool can’t wait for summers dream and coco carmel too come out! Merry Christmas cathy! Shout out to my BFF sharly and MERRY XMAS EVERYONE!!!!!!!

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  7. Coco Caramel, I lurve the name, Cathy!!! I love receiving presents at X-mas time!!!!


    Posted by: T on 7th November 2017
  8. OMG…….5 days until xmas!!! Its also my favourite time of the year. My birthday wuold be but it is just after xmas so i get hardly any prezzies! Boo Hoo! My favourite bits are decating and the christmas films on telly. I want the biggest Cadbury’s bar in the world for Christmas, and a phone contract! Coco Caramel, BEEautiful Honey, Summer’s dream. OMG! Five more days ’til christmas, five more days ’til Santa, five more days until the big fat man comes down your chimney, gives you presents and drinks your beer, five more days ’til Santa!!!

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  9. SNOW, SNOW, SNOW! But, sadly, it didn’t settle. 🙁
    I love X-mas specials on TV, decorating the christmas tree, and opening the last few doors on the advent calender… chocolate, mmmmmm! Smooth, milky, creamy…
    I love the festive christmas lights mobbing the town, the “we wish you a merry christmas” blaring on the radio, and the sweet little stockings hanging delicately on th bed-posts…
    Hope santa’s good to you!
    Lots of love from england, Ray xoxoxo

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
  10. I live in Australia and it’s the middle of summer here! Hot, sticky and sweaty that’s the weather. It usually about 28 to 42 degrees around this time of yeaar. I wish it would snow here, because it doesn’t! Not even during winter!

    Posted by: I on 7th November 2017
