Well it’s cool all right – positively arctic, in fact. Here in Scotland we’ve had hurricanes, floods, blizzards, hail, sleet, even thunder and lightning! I don’t care, because it’s almost Christmas and that’s my FAVOURITE time of year. Over on the Secret Superfan Page you’ll find reader’s tips on fab make-it-yourself Christmas prezzies, as well as a picture challenge that could win you a signed CC book… take a look! If you still don’t have the password, sign up for the free online newsletter because there’s a clue in every issue!

I’m working like mad to finish off the second draft of Summer’s Dream. The publication date has been brought forward a whole month, so it will now be out in JUNE 2012! I’ve even seen a cover rough, and hopefully I’ll be able to give you a sneak peek at that soon! In the New Year I’ll be writing a 4th Daizy Star book, and then settling down to begin the 4th Chocolate Box Girl story, Coco Caramel… it’s going to be a busy year!

Right now though, I am wrapping prezzies and hanging fairy lights and perfecting my mince pies… mmmm! I can’t wait for the snow to start falling, for everyone to be home for Christmas, because that’s when the fun really begins. What do YOU like best about Christmas? And which books are you hoping for in your Christmas stocking?


Comments on COOL CHRISTMAS!!!

  1. What I love about christmas is christmas morning were we are all in the house giving prezzies and celebrating christmas.

    PS best name ever coco caramel cant wait whohoo !!!!

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  2. Hiya Cathy!
    I love Christmas too! The snow, presents, open fire, hot chocolate…!!! I really want a voucher for Summer’s Dream to buy it when it comes out and X-Factor tickets!
    From Emily xoxoxo

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  3. Although it is supposed to be SUMMER in New Zealand (I live in NZ)….it is raining all the time.
    My school has been on holiday for a week, and it has been raining, storming, whatever you want to call it, all week long.
    Though, mostly I just stayed tucked up on the sofa, sipping hot chocolate, reading Marshmallow Skye.

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  4. Yay I Cant Wait Until Coco Caramel! Christmas Is Also My Favourite Time Of Year – I Just Love It! Im Your Absolute Biggest Fan! Keep Writing Your FAB Books Cathy! Miakat xxx 🙂

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  5. Hay cathy im a huge fan of urs, but i won’t go on and on about that i’d be here typing 4 the rest of the night! I love winter, the tree, the decorations, the warm fire ( not a electric, im quiet proud of that ), the snuggerling on the sofa, and watching Xmas specials! But it’s the snow, on the way home from high school i nearlly got a snow ball down my neck which would have ruined my new top and jacket! :0 ! But i moved out the way just in time! Don’t get me wrong i love snow, but the stuff in school was ice and hard so it would of really REALLY painful! But don’t get me wrong really LOVE Xmas! Xxx P.s WE ALL LOVE YOU CATHY! Xxx P.p.s My little sis says” Hi ” Xxx

    Posted by: R on 7th November 2017
  6. OHH Cathy i SERIOUSLY need that Coco Caramel book !!! x i bet it will be the best one yet!!! Im trying to get through 3 of your books at the same time and i never get board of them!! I hope you have a brill Christmas with hot Chocolate and LOTS of pressies!! xx 🙂

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  7. I live in New Zealand and we have had a hard time with the earthquakes and the flooding, its been so tough this year, but Christmas time is always fantastic. I would like an i-pod for Christmas and some CC books of course. Hope you have a great Christmas and a happy new year!!! XOX =) Luv Mel

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  8. Hi Cathy againxx i also cant wait to read Summer’s dream, cos it will be interesting to find out what Summer’s life is like from her point of view!!! Im spending christmas in Australia with my cousins, but i cant wait to come back to England with snow and more presents!! Im getting Doc Martin boots from my mum (HOPEFULLY) and they are shiny back ones and im getting special sticker type things to put on to them so there gonna be brill !! Also if i was going to be one of the Tanberry sisters i’d be Skye because i LOVE vintage clothes, shoes, hair bands, clips and stuff like that, i love dreaming and i LOVE Marshmallow truffle’s because once i went to a wedding and they had them there so i had to try one!! And Guess what Cathy, when i go back to school im gonna get all my friends to call Me Skye xxx Um also one of my wishes is for my name to be in one of your books Please because i’d love that soo much Thanks !! (by the way my name is Martha) Have a great christmas O.K !!!!
    LOts of love Martha xxx 🙂 <3

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  9. i want lucky star im my stocking!!!!!

    Posted by: P on 7th November 2017
  10. Hey Cathy!!! Cant wait til Christmas!!! Cant wait for the new book too!!! Hi to all the other CC fans and Merry Christmas from Ireland!!! Sophie xx

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
