Tuesday 26th March 2013
It’s all go at Puffin HQ this week as the team sift through the FANTABULOUS entries for the Could You Be Coco competition… drawing up a shortlist of ten is NOT going to be easy! Once the finalists have been selected and informed, I’ll be getting involved too, helping the team to pick our wonderful winner. SOOOO excited!
That winner will be starring as Coco in her very own episodes of CathyCassidyTV very soon… how cool? I love that you are all enjoying CCTV so much, btw… have you seen the brand new v-log from Summer this week? It tells you just what happened behind the scenes at Summer & Skye’s joint 13th birthday party, when Skye got lost in the snow. You can watch it here – and remember to comment to be in with a chance of winning this week’s £10 New Look voucher.
I love doing lots of comps, freebies and giveaways both on the website and on my Facebook Fanpage… but not everyone approves. Last week I had an upsetting message from a reader who feels I should stop doing comps because ‘people would only be disappointed,’ and advising me to find a professional actress for Coco. I couldn’t reply, as the reader didn’t give me her name or email. :o(
If she is reading, I’d like her to know I genuinely think one of my cool and talented readers will be perfect for the role of Coco. If none of us took risks, entered comps or went all-out to try to make our dreams happen, surely the world would be a sadder, duller, less hopeful place? If I hadn’t tried to make MY dream happen, there’d be no CC books, f’r’instance. And sure, not everybody can win every comp, but the way I see it is that you can have fun trying and learn along the way that it’s the TAKING PART that counts, not the end result.
I guess the answer is that nobody HAS to enter a comp if they don’t want to, but what do YOU reckon? Should I keep on doing comps? (I need to know because the annual My Best Friend Rocks comp is looming in the summer!) Tell me what you think…
I kind of agree with that person who posted that message on Facebook. I’ve entered hundreds of comps not only from you but others too. I have never won any of them and they make you feel so disappointed and let down and make you feel like rubbish then again one person wins and that’s good for them. P.S I’m re-writing Jacqueline Wilson’s book Love lessons to be more like yours and more suitable for young readers. I hope someone gets to read it one day and appreciate it. I might even send it to you when it’s finished. It’s called ‘Dad’
@cathy. Does everyone who entered the could you be
Coco competition get an email reply about whether they were successful or not. My friend got an email reply but I haven’t yet! do you know if I am going to receive o e? Thank you for doing amazing competitions like this one! I was soo much fun to do!
Niamh Pey xx
Oh gosh I am so sorry! I never meant to upset anyone : (
Maybe I need to think a bit more before I post (I write as if I am speaking to someone – and forget that people can’t see my face or hear my voice to understand what I really mean oops!) Don’t worry Ms Cassidy! My comments will be 100% clear concise and analytical from now on! : )
Go Team Australia!
as shannon said, it is YOUR choice and before you got that message, you were not thinking about stopping comps. any way I am feeling happy about comps at the moment because……. I got in to the Coco auditions on thurs!!! well done to every one else who entered apparently the standard was VERY high.
There is NO WAY I would ever ever want to stop your FABULISIOUS comps! I think whoever sent you that does have a fair point but if you enter acomp you have to be prepared to loose.
Gabbie, I don’t think you’ve upset anyone? Please don’t worry! This blog was put up so people could share their views, and I appreciate that everyone has been honest and open. Thanks to all who have taken part. xxx
i think the comps are brilliant
i entered the coco comp and i was a highly recomended am really pleased had lots of fun making the clip.
good luck to all of 10 shortlists.
can’t wait to hear who the winner is and see the new clips of coco
i love cathy cassidy tv lots
have jjust watched the new skye clip
No I don’t think you should stop the comps, there are a variety of different ones and I love them all!
I am so exited to see who wins the coco comp.I think comps ARE COOL,don’t stop and I cant wait for the mbfr comp I want to enter.Please don’t stop making comps they are cool and fun.
By the way, for anyone who is interested, they have already announced the winner for the Could You Be Coco competition, who is Bobby! They have said who it is at