OK, it’s ALMOST December, and that means just one thing… Christmas is coming! It’s my fave time of year. I love seeing the fairy lights twinkling in the dark streets, the tinsel, the Christmas trees, the stockings hung over the fireplace. I love the smell of cinnamon and satsumas and warm mince pies… sigh.

Christmas traditions are fab – I loved researching Polish Christmas traditions for Angel Cake, and loved writing the Christmassy bits in that book, too! The best thing of all about Christmas, though, is spending time with special friends and family… and taking time out to show each other how much we care. That’s cool!

What are YOU planning for Christmas this year? We asked the DREAM TEAM readers for their Christmas ideas – check out what they have to say below and on the DREAM TEAM page! Don’t forget to send in YOUR fave things about Christmas through the comments link below… and of course, let me know which CC books would be on your Christmas list!

Oh, and I have a very special Christmas surprise coming for you all soon… watch this space!


Zoe B
If you had to pick 1 Cathy Cassidy book, which one would you ask for for Christmas?
Angel Cake – Even though I already have it, it’s a great Christams gift because it’s the latest one and it’s sweet, like Christmas!

Zoe S
Other than CC books (of course!) what else are you really hoping for this year for Christmas?
This year, I am really hoping to get a microphone for Christmas.

What is your favourite thing about Christmas?
My favourite thing about Christmas is the excitement of everyone being happy and how everywhere you go it’s constantly buzzing! Also spending the day with my family and celebrating Christmas for what it actually is! But as well, the presents make the whole day a bit enjoyable!!!

Comments on CHRISTMAS IS COOL!!!

  1. i luv christmas coz u cn giv prezzies nd get them 2!!! unlike birthdays its shared with every1 which makes it sooo much fun!!!
    oh nd i hav sumthin cool 2 tel u: there is a real cake shop called Angel Cakes!!! it is in Dorchester!!! weird huh?
    lolts of luv xoxoxo

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  2. I love christmas as much as anyone.Do you still beleive in santa?Oh yeah your great and your the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  3. I love Christmas time. I love getting presents, but I enjoy the Christmas roast and spending time with my family.

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  4. hey cathy
    I love my birthday because its so near christmas (30th of november)
    chantelle xxxx

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  5. I love Christmas .. it’s so cool! I’m looking forward to this year though, especially. Like last year, we’re inviting my auntie, nan and grandma to come. But I’m hoping that my bezzie will be along too. It’s gonna be great, and I’m getting CC books too!

    Posted by: E on 7th November 2017
  6. I just absolutely LOVE christmas and this year it will be way FAB because im coming to engalnd for christmas:) i havent been there at christmas since 2006. And it will be so great coz i get to meet my baby cousin for the first time and i’ll get to be with my grandparents (: but i will miss being with my friends in brunei 🙂 I ADORE CHRISTMAS!!!!<3

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  7. Hi Cathy,
    maybe you could write a new book based on Christmas time!
    hugs and kisses

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017
  8. hi cathy i love your books espichly scarlett and i hope we could maby be freinds plus cant wait for christmas and the preinsts and i think you shold write a book on christmas

    Posted by: K on 7th November 2017
  9. I would love to get ANGEL CAKE for xmas.
    I love getting to see fam and friends for xmas plus the pressies and the excellent food!!!

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  10. Hey Cath 😀 I love Christmas because of seeing all of my friends and family (and presents 2!!!) I hope you have a great Chrissy Cathy
    Luv Zhara

    Posted by: Z on 7th November 2017
