Sundae Girl

Will shy girl Jude ever share her secrets?

‘Don’t get me wrong, I love my family – but mum is forty-four going on fourteen . . .’

Jude’s family are crazy, quirky, bizarre . . . her mum brings her plenty of problems and her dad thinks he’s Elvis! All she wants is a hassle-free life – but it’s not easy when she’s chasing her mum’s trail of broken promises.

Nothing seems to go Jude’s way, until she realizes the floppy-haired boy from school could be her knight on shining rollerblades. And that sometimes, when everything turns sour, only something sweet can make it ok . . .

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Reviews of Sundae Girl

  1. I think that it shows that Cathy has a way of communicating with teenagers and her books are a fantastic read. Sundae girl is one of the coolest books ever

    Posted by: A on 6th November 2017
  2. Sundae girl is the best book EVER!!!!I told my best friend about it and guess what she bought it!!!I really enjoyed this book if you havent got it already please,please buy it like my best friend did!!!
    Please keep writing cathyxx

    Posted by: E on 6th November 2017
  3. i love this book its like one of the best girls books ive read in my life.
    I got it the othr day and i was reading the first page and i got glued to it.

    Posted by: S on 6th November 2017
  4. Sundae Girl is amazing, I loved it it really touched me in a deeper level! I love your books Cathy Cassidy!

    Posted by: N on 6th November 2017
  5. heya
    i loved this book sooo mcuh
    i felt for jude becouse it is horribe to go though it on ur own where no one is helping you but there was a shine of light with carter lol she finally gave him a chance

    i love all the books i have read by cathy cassidy

    keep on writing pllz
    x x x x x x x

    Posted by: J on 6th November 2017
  6. my reveiw is about her feelings.She actullually does love kevin carter thats what i think anyway he loves her very much and it is obvious

    Posted by: B on 6th November 2017
  7. this is the first cathy cassidy book i ever read!!it is cool

    Posted by: C on 6th November 2017
  8. I thougt it was fab!
    u sould really read it!

    Posted by: M on 6th November 2017
  9. I love it

    Posted by: Z on 6th November 2017
  10. it is my 3rd book that i have read of cathy cassidy and i loved it loved the dramam and how much it shows that we are so luky to have normal parents insted of one that is an elvise presley and one wich is an alcoholic and a troubled grandmother. i loved this book one of the best books that i hv evey read i love all of the cathy cssidy books and i got them only a month ago and already read half of them can’t wait to see wich book i am going to read.

    i think every one should have the cathy cassidy books because they are great.
    hope you have fun reading this book.

    Posted by: A on 6th November 2017

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About Cathy Cassidy

I love my family, I love my animals, my home and my work. Of all my jobs, writing has to be the best – it’s the perfect excuse to daydream, after all!

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