Sundae Girl

Will shy girl Jude ever share her secrets?

‘Don’t get me wrong, I love my family – but mum is forty-four going on fourteen . . .’

Jude’s family are crazy, quirky, bizarre . . . her mum brings her plenty of problems and her dad thinks he’s Elvis! All she wants is a hassle-free life – but it’s not easy when she’s chasing her mum’s trail of broken promises.

Nothing seems to go Jude’s way, until she realizes the floppy-haired boy from school could be her knight on shining rollerblades. And that sometimes, when everything turns sour, only something sweet can make it ok . . .

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Reviews of Sundae Girl

  1. thsi was an excellent book as expected by CC
    yay! keep writting:D

    Posted by: A on 6th November 2017
  2. I’ve just started reading Sundae Girl and so far its amazing!I’m really looking forward to finishing it.

    Posted by: M on 6th November 2017
  3. i loved this book, i love her Gran, she is just so wonderful and i cried when she died at the end. I was so upset. Cathy Cassidy is such an amazing writer she made it seem so real i was so connected to the characters. xxx

    Posted by: R on 6th November 2017
  4. sundae girl was the best book ever I love you Cathy Cassidy I am your no.1 fan I know everyone probaply says that but Im telling the truth trust me Im no.1 fan I ve only got one more book to read and Im half way through it wuhh start writing more books Cathy

    Posted by: E on 6th November 2017
  5. “By all time this book is my favourite Cathy Cassidy book,
    I love the title (it makes me hungry) and i also like the character of Jude’s Mum.”

    Posted by: F on 6th November 2017
  6. This is my fave book by far and i loved it. i read it in a day for i could not take my eyes from it. my fave bit was the bit where alex was in the church throwing bread around and for some reason it made me feel warm inside. i would definately rate this to people

    Posted by: A on 6th November 2017
  7. I love this book I have just finished it and I have just bought some more of your books.I have got six now I look forward to reading the next book.Go Cathy!

    Posted by: K on 6th November 2017
  8. i have just orderd it it is so good

    Posted by: A on 6th November 2017
  9. i loved this book it was amazing

    Posted by: S on 6th November 2017
  10. at first i thought it was some kind of boring book but then it turned out to be great!i read it without stopping!

    Posted by: K on 6th November 2017

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About Cathy Cassidy

I love my family, I love my animals, my home and my work. Of all my jobs, writing has to be the best – it’s the perfect excuse to daydream, after all!

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