Summer’s Dream

SUMMER is quiet, confident, pretty, popular and VERY serious about dance . . .

Summer has always dreamed of dancing, and when a place at ballet school comes up, she wants it so badly it hurts.

Middle school ends and the holidays begin, but unlike her sisters, Summer has no time for lazy days and sunny beach parties. The audition becomes her obsession, and things start spiralling out of control . . .

The more Summer tries to find perfection, the more lost she becomes. Will she realise – with the help of the boy who wants more than friendship – that dreams come in all shapes and sizes?

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Reviews of Summer’s Dream

  1. Loved reading this book!!!Best in the series in the chocolate box!!! Every time I read the book I felt so happy!!Hoping to get it signed by cathy on the 18th,as is her book signing day! I am a bit similar to summer and want to follow my dreams! I have also read the rest of the series already!!! Loved them all!!!

    Posted by: H on 7th November 2017
  2. Eh, it was okay. It’s not worth buying so I’m trying to find it online and it’s more of a book that you’d read during your exams or like light reading. I’d give it a 2/5 bc it’s kind of basic. Most of Cathy’s books are similar.

    Posted by: T on 7th November 2017
  3. I’ve just read sweet honey and it is sooo good and I think I nearly cried at the end and was sooo angry to find out who the hacker was

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  4. I love Summers dream because my name is Summer to and I love my ballet classes so much
    Summer xx

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  5. I love this book!!! it is so amazing but sometimes when summer goes on and on about her dream kinda bores me, i love the parts of her boyfriends i think that they are the sweetest especially Alfie. if you have any more books about love cold you pls tell me, as i would love to read them thank you and never stop writing books because you are just amazing!!!! 🙂

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  6. when this book was released in Indonesia? 🙁 im very like this book,i cant wait!!!!

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017
  7. I love this book! I read it when I had a broken arm and to be honest mentally it made me feel a lot better. I’m not a dancer but I am a swimmer and Summer and I are very alike as we both had big dreams. When I broke my arm, I was supposed to be going in for a big competition for the best swimmers in the country ( I hate boasting, sorry :/ ) and I was really upset. This competition may well have lead to getting into good clubs but I couldn’t go.
    But then I read this book and realized it wasn’t the end of the world because a broken arm is fixable. Anorexia takes longer to heal and still leaves mental scars, and you will never be the same again. But still, I had someone that felt the same hurt that i did with broken dreams. My career in swimming is kind of set back now but I am sort of getting better seeing as I did well at the last small comp.
    I read chocolates and flowers a few months later, and Summer got her happy ending. I was glad that summer got her ending just as I did because I know this weird but Summer almost felt like a kind of friend who felt the way i did and we both got happy endings.
    I know his is cheesy and dramatic and no one read this but I needed to vent, sort of.
    I love you Cathy and your books and you are an amazing writer. X

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  8. I love this book,i just read this book for the 5th time! If you have read and enjoyed how to survive summer camp, by Jacqueline Wilson you will definitely like this one its great READ THIS BOOK NOW.

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  9. I’m getting some of the CC books shipped from England, and I was lucky to get three of the Chocolate Box Girls books, so I left off at Summer’s Dream. This book had the power over me to make me groan, sob, scream inside my head, and clap my hands with joy. I don’t know how many more books I’m getting, but if I get one more, I hope it’s Coco Carmel

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  10. Summers dream is one of my favourite books this book is full of secrets and lies and it shows that you can’t sacrifice everything and summer does this just to make it into dance school SHE COULD OF DIED FOR CRIENG OUT LOUD BUT SHE WAS WILLING TO SACRIFICE HER LIFE FOR A DANCE SCHOOL I WOULD OF DONE ANYTHING ASWLE BUT STOP EATING FOOD IS CRAZY

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017

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About Cathy Cassidy

I love my family, I love my animals, my home and my work. Of all my jobs, writing has to be the best – it’s the perfect excuse to daydream, after all!

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