‘Cat and Mouse,’ she says, grinning. ‘That’s cool!’
Mouse is doing his best to stay out of trouble. Cat is doing her best to land herself in it.
They’ve both had it pretty tough, so when they meet by chance, they thank their lucky stars. Weird and wonderful things happen when they’re together – but how long can it last? Because everyone has their secrets – and there can only be one winner in a game of cat and mouse. Can’t there?
I’ve nearly finished … its amazing such a plot twist near the end
Hey, Cathy. Your books are amazing!!!! me and my bestie have read them all! our favorite book is coco caramel. That is wonderful. write more and more books. Love your books!
I was overjoyed to see you’d written a sort-of-sequel and I hope for more ;Gingersnaps perhaps? You could do it in Emily or even Meg’s point of view like you did Lucky Star in Mouse from Dizzy’s point of view. This book was amazing. I got it for Christmas and read it in one night (couldn’t put it down). One of my favourite parts was actually when we found out what happened to Finn and Dizzy after the book Dizzy ended. You are a fantastic writer, I can’t wait to read more.
I am about half way through this book I have the old version as my sis had it when she was little mad now she gave it to me it is such a awesome book and I love it such a good book cc
I love your books even Scarlett!I’m reading them all over again