Looking-Glass Girl

Get ready to fall down the rabbit hole all over again with Looking-Glass Girl.

Alice is thrilled when Savannah invites her to a Wonderland-themed sleepover; she’s wanted to join this circle of friends for so long. Finally, she’s fitting in. But an accident suddenly changes everything and Alice is rushed to hospital.

As her friends and family rally round, a mystery begins to unravel. Was Alice pushed, and why? Who would want to hurt her? Can her loved ones – and the gorgeous boy who doesn’t want to leave her side – help Alice survive?

Looking-Glass Girl is an unforgettable tale of friendship and love. Get ready to fall down the rabbit hole all over again…

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Reviews of Looking-Glass Girl

  1. I haven’t read the book but from all this fantastic comments and blurb I think this book will sound incredible and good for children to read!

    Posted by: b on 6th November 2019
  2. good book

    Posted by: g on 6th November 2019
  3. I absolutely love this book! Would defitnetly recommend for girls aged 9-13. I only just read it and I got hooked on the first glimpse I got.

    Posted by: V on 9th November 2019
  4. Savannah and Alice sound kind

    Posted by: S on 22nd November 2019
  5. Looking glass girl was so good.I love the way it has different voices.

    Posted by: C on 22nd December 2019
  6. love it!
    one of my favorite books!!!!

    Posted by: E on 19th January 2020
  7. Looking glass girl is such a great book leading you up to the action slowly, this book makes you feel like your in the story and it’s all so real, I would recommend you to read it and if you already have read it again!❤️❤️❤️

    Posted by: T on 28th January 2020
  8. I love this boook sooo much .i read it about 5 times and I couldn’t stop . I would definitely recommend it.♥️

    Posted by: N on 9th February 2020
  9. I really want to read it again

    Posted by: E on 5th March 2020
  10. I think it’s the best book yet

    Posted by: E on 5th March 2020

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About Cathy Cassidy

I love my family, I love my animals, my home and my work. Of all my jobs, writing has to be the best – it’s the perfect excuse to daydream, after all!

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