Letters to Cathy

All the questions you ever wanted to ask Cathy Cassidy. OUT NOW.

Have you ever had a crush?
Fallen out with your best friend?
Cathy Cassidy is here for you.

There are no questions Cathy hasn’t been asked and isn’t afraid to answer, from growing-up to dating, making friends, following your dreams and much more. Through the happy times, the mad and crazy times and the days when you simply find yourself asking ‘Why? ‘- whatever’s bugging you, Cathy can help . . .

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Reviews of Letters to Cathy

  1. hello Cathy Cassidy I met you at lady brige school

    Posted by: R on 6th November 2017
  2. Please email me. I love ur books and would love a signed autograph

    Posted by: E on 6th November 2017
  3. hello im andy lents

    Posted by: A on 6th November 2017
  4. Dear Cathy
    I really really love your books. I also write books like yours. You are my inspiration. Among all your books I’ve read Scarlett and Dizzy are my best.
    You are my favorite author. I love you Cathy!!

    Posted by: L on 6th November 2017
  5. Hi Cathy, all your books are amazing! they have huge messages in them and I love them. In fact, I sometimes pretend I’m the characters, like grumpy Honey or story telling Cherry or animal loving Coco or dancing Summer or clothes obsessed Skye. My favourite character is probably Honey because although she has the devil side, she has a cute and nice side

    Posted by: G on 6th November 2017
  6. dear cathy.
    I have one crush but he have a girlfreind too so im indeed what to do cause I just can’t kill that girl. so what to do to impress him and we sometimes also fight like enemies.Now please tell what to do

    Posted by: A on 6th November 2017
  7. Hey Cathy,
    I am so happy I can write to you! I have read most of your books about 10 times! Anyways I wanted to ask for some advise from my favourite author (you). I have 4 groups of friends in my class (the whole class in groups) The boys, My 5bffs( Isabella, Caroline, Tamsyn, Maria and Anna), My other bff and her group (Dora(other bff) Cara, Sophia and Erin) And finally my other friends (Bexy, Grace, Kimi and Edna). Two of the groups keep fighting and it’s all because of: A trip, an online app and name calling. I am always dragged into the middle. When I hang out with the other group I get ‘Why are you hanging out with them and what did they say about us’
    I would appreciate it if you could lend a hand and give some advise.

    Thank you.

    Posted by: J on 6th November 2017
  8. I love the chocolate box secrets its amazing and i was at netherbrook i was on the back row. witch book took you the longest to right yo are a great author xx

    Posted by: E on 6th November 2017
  9. Hi Cthy your books are so life changing to me i love your books my first ever book i read was angel cake from that time i didn’t really like books at all thought it was boring and lame but truly i was wrong my friends pressurized me to read your books but i am really happy they did there the best friends i could ever have seriously! i miss them because its be an hard friendship between me and one of my friends i regret it but i also feel free one of my friends is a control freak but i forgive her cause she took up for me a lot but i wouldn’t have found out that the people you least put your heart in are the one who actually pick you up again all over again shes the best and she will always stand with me and i will stand with her because your books inspired me to speak for myself

    Posted by: S on 6th November 2017
  10. Hi Cathy, I have been a big fan for about four/five years now and your books are actually one of the things that started me thinking about writing. The first book of yours I read would have been Dizzy. My favourite books are definitely Indigo Blue, Dizzy, Scarlet, and Cherry Crush as I can relate to the characters in many ways. Each and every single one of your books receives a straight 10/10!! Yours are still the books I reach for in any mood. My life goal: Write a novel that is at least 1% as good as yours!!

    Posted by: H on 6th November 2017

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About Cathy Cassidy

I love my family, I love my animals, my home and my work. Of all my jobs, writing has to be the best – it’s the perfect excuse to daydream, after all!

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