Have you ever had a crush?
Fallen out with your best friend?
Cathy Cassidy is here for you.
There are no questions Cathy hasn’t been asked and isn’t afraid to answer, from growing-up to dating, making friends, following your dreams and much more. Through the happy times, the mad and crazy times and the days when you simply find yourself asking ‘Why? ‘- whatever’s bugging you, Cathy can help . . .
hi cathy its me and my friends here we have formed a club called nature club nonone will come except us so will you write book about us and our club we sponser snowmen ants frogs leaves roses ducks and more write a book on how unpoppular we are and how we want to hel the world thank you i saw you today whats yourday dreaming tips ?
hi cathy,
you came to my school today, can you write a book about me and my friends were called nature club and we support snowmen, cactus, leaves, frogs, roses and more we want to change the world an what are your daydreaming tips
Dear Cathy,
I absolutely love reading books. I especially love reading books before I go to bed. If I don’t understand a word I make a note of it and when I have finished reading I always search it up on the internet. Surprisingly, I think the girl I am most like in the chocolate is probably Honey. If you asked my parents how much of a drama queen they would be having a huge list.
I am planning to get a collection of your books.
Please make loads of them.
I will be saving up my money.
From Hannah
(I met you at Bullers Wood School)
Hey Cathy,
I absolutely love your chocolate box stories, they are amazing! I also LOVE your book Scarlett!I don’t know how you write such brilliant books, can you give some tips?
From Katie.
Hi I’m Megan I went to your book signing and you sent a letter back to me and I take it every where I feel so special that u replied and I got a book signed for me and Olivia ,she came second in her gymnastics competition,and we got the book looking glass girl signed for me and daisy star ooh la la for Olivia so thank you so much I love your books
Hey Cathy! In school,two of my best friends (Who don’t like each other and are complete opposites!) are ALWAYS arguing and i’m always in the middle of it all:( It’s really irritating but how do i make peace between them!
P.S I really love reading your books. They are so awesome and I have ALL of them stacked on my bookshelf. I’ve read all of them at least twice;) <3
Your books are excellent, GingerSnaps is great! Have all The Chocolate Box Girls read, please write more
Hey Cathy
Hi Cathy I really like your books. You are a very talent writter. My fav book is probably LETTERS TO CATHY it has really go advise. I would rate it a 100-100 I LOVE LOVE the boys boys boys part very good advice. Can you PLEASE write another LETTERS TO CATHY
amazing I’ve leant so much that will help me soon