Have you ever had a crush?
Fallen out with your best friend?
Cathy Cassidy is here for you.
There are no questions Cathy hasn’t been asked and isn’t afraid to answer, from growing-up to dating, making friends, following your dreams and much more. Through the happy times, the mad and crazy times and the days when you simply find yourself asking ‘Why? ‘- whatever’s bugging you, Cathy can help . . .
I really need some help! I really like a boy in my class but I really really don’t know what to do.What should I do? I don’t know if he knows.Everyone teases me and I just don’t know what to do! please help!
Can you write about your books and which one you love?
Hi cathy
Everyone at school are massive fans of you. At the school library the teachers are now inviting authors to come in and talk about themselves and why they write
I was wondering if you could come. I’ve seen in other comments that you have come to schools so why not give ours a try
From Amelie
If so than please email me and I will give you the adress
Hi Cathy I love your books they are thoughtfull, cool and help me get through lots of everyday life challenges, I wanted to ask your advice, my appetite has gone and my mum thinks I’ve got anorexia, its not my fault I just cant help it. I don’t want to end up like summer in summers dream please help me, love Trinity XxXxX
Hi Cathy,
I love your books. They have really inspired me and helped me especially summers dream as I am like her and I love to dance.
I have 2 friends. The first one is called **n* and the second ***y. One of my friends the most interesting funny person but see prefers to be with my other friend who I am not as keen on. Just because she doesn’t think before she talks and sometimes she really offends you. She also wears tones of makeup and we go to an all girls school so what is the point. My other friend has also started acting like her. Wearing makeup and each day I can swear that her skirt travels about 2 centimetres more every day. She has now started leaving me out but wont confront me about what is wrong. What should I do to stop her from hanging a girl who I hate or how should I start with my friendships all over again.
Can’t wait till your next book comes out. I’ll be waiting. It doesn’t matter if you don’t see this. I just had to get it out of my system.
Love ****** xxxxxxxxx
hiiii cathy i have writen to you before, and you replied back to me… i just got your new book this christmas and already started reading it its so amazing and insprational how can you right as good as that, you inspire me a hell of a lot within your writing and yourself please write back too me i love you loads scarlet xx<3 <3 <3 xxxxxxxxxx
Hi Cathy
I am a big fan of you! You write really good books! You came to Walsall Studio School on Tuesday and I really enjoyed listening to you. I bought the book Fortune Cookie and I cannot wait to start reading it.I have read nearly all of your books. What are your tips on daydreaming?
Kind regards,
Kavina xx
Hi Cathy I saw you at Fairfield high school in Bristol today,

So I have a group of friends who i am really close to the only thing is there is another group who dont get on so well with my friends. We had a real argument before and they haven’t really been taking the fact in that I’m there friend. Also I have been having thus problem for ages. Could you help me to get rid of it. By the way I really love your books. Cant wait to read fortune cookie I also want to become a writer or close to that. How do I get to be that. I won the children writing challenge so I think I’m pretty close. Thank you for reading.
Hi Cathy! I met you in Walsall last Tuesday. I love your books so much! I am emailing you from my best friends account (an amazing friend) because on Tuesday I sent you a box of chocolates, on your website. I wish you could make a few more books!
love u, Selena xxxxx My best friend will tell me your reply, and hopefully she will text me and i will tell her what to tell you.
Until next time, BYE! xxx
hey cathy I have literally read all your books?
Can you give me tips on getting two friends who had a fight to make up again?
ideas? things I should do?