Angel Cake is out in paperback NOW… yay! It’s perfect reading for the holidays, so add it to your Easter list… a welcome change from all that choccy. (What am I SAYING?!!!) OK, OK, something to read while you munch! Find your copy of Angel Cake in all good bookshops now…

Readers in the UK & Ireland can check the COMPS page now for the brand new 2010 MY BEST FRIEND ROCKS comp and start planning your entries… I can’t wait to see your arty collages and stories of fab, fantastic friendships. Postal entries ONLY for this comp, though – check here for all the details on how to enter.

I’ll be off on tour soon all around England to celebrate the launch of Angel Cake in paperback… check the EVENTS page for a taste of where I will be off to!

Oh, and last but not least… Happy Easter!



  1. The Paperback double cover it totally, mindblowing. I get it in Uxbridge on saturday, and by the time I got home I had already read the CHERRY CRUSH exclusive! I could tell when Honey put her arm around Shay, Cherry just wanted to do something because, Shay had just told her he thought she was cute!
    Anyway, today is easter and I hope you are all having such a fab time! At the moment I am eating my easter eggs and reading Angel Cake, Paperback, and telling you what I think about the Paperback version. Oh, and by the way . . . Congratulations Cathy on finaly getting Angel Cake in Paperback out!

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  2. Hey Cathy! I’m a big fan of your books!, i have read all of them about 5-8 times!, my fav is SCARLETT! have you got a new book coming out? I never get bored! thanks for the amazing books! Have a great Easter! saeeda xxxx

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  3. Hey Cathy!
    Earlier today I sent you a message saying I was munching away on my eggs and reading Angel Cake, Paperback, but . . . Now I have finished it!
    I know I am ment to put my review on the ‘Book’ bit but I am so eagre to tell you that I cant wait!

    I loved the way you make it sound like the person is writing in a diary or, telling it to someone. The way Anya wonders out loud, is incrediable it’s like she is having a convosation! But my favourite part of all is when she meets Dan. He is the Bad Boy of the story, which there always has to be otherwise the story is just plain boring. Dan is a fistey character who won’t take no for an answer, but deep inside of him he DOES have a soft spot, and that soft spot is full of nice happy things e.g
    Anya & Cakes, a bit like you do Cathy, ha?

    It is THE best book in the world, but Daizy Star And The Pink Guitar might knock it off the spot. I will have to wait and find out . . .

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  4. Hello Cathy. I am amazed with myself, I mean I have made my way through all of my books but still not Scarlett. I am hoping for some more books soon!

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  5. Hi Cathy! I just love your books! I heard that you have a new book coming out, Cherry Crush! Do you know when it will come out? Happy Easter! Tish xoxo

    Posted by: T on 7th November 2017
  6. It’s a beautiful front cover! LOVE IT!

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  7. Hi Cathy, WOW I LOVE THE COVER!!! Its so exciting that its on paperback I am denfinetly adding it to my shopping list!
    Charley xoxoxoxo

    Posted by: C on 7th November 2017
  8. OMG!!! This book is awsome i can just feel it!!!!the Front cover tells me everything like good,adventourous,romantinc i cant wait until it comes out but i dont know when it is coming out in South Africa By the way i am a very big Fan Cathy keep on writing u rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  9. I love cupcakes and I love acthy cassidy’s books so I can’t wait

    Posted by: L on 7th November 2017
  10. It was a really sweet book, and I absaloutley loved the romantic bits! My fave characters were Dan & Anna[I think].
    Loved it, hoping more books will come out!

    Loved it, it was a sweet book.

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017

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