Thursday 31st December 2009
I’m writing this on the very last day of 2009… the last day of the DECADE in fact! I hope you all have a fun and fabby New Year and make the most of every opportunity that 2010 brings you… go for it!
2009 was a good year in lost of ways for me… I got to meet my fans in Australia, Singapore & New Zealand in May, I launched the first ever National Best Friends Day in July and wrote like crazy in between times! The year had its sad, tricky and low points too, of course, but I hope that on the whole 2009 was a good year for you, too.
I have a feeling that 2010 is going to be even better. I love that moment when the year turns and a whole new year lies before you, like a field full of snow, silent and perfect, with no footprints upon it yet (I know, I know, but I am writing this surrounded by fields of snow, so it seemed like a good image!). For me, it’ll be a busy year… Angel Cake goes paperback in April; Daizy Star & The Pink Guitar comes out in June; and Cherry Crush is out in September. There will be a few little surprises along the way, too… let’s just say there will be plenty for you to read this year!
What were your best/worst bits of 2009? Are you making any resolutions for 2010? And how are you celebrating the New Year? Let me know by posting your comments through the link below. Happy New Year!!!
2009 was great…but 2010 so far has been the best…I got my first kiss….
hi cathy 2009 was great but i thinnk 2010 going to be better,sorry im just copying everything you said because i cant think of any thing else to say really so bye happy new year.
2009 was gr8…But i thinnk 2010 will be better, since I am more mature now than be4……So far its going gr8….Am doing gd in school and everything x) I got a boyfriend but we broke up so that was sad :´(
I hope everything else goes well…..Cant wait till summer;5 more months……..:D
2009 was a bit sad because i had some family members die
but this i think will be good as i start my tests for the future!
2009 was gr8 but i hope(fingers crossed) that this year will be better!!!
2010 is probably going to be the best year yet!!!! The best thing about 2009 was that i made the two bestest friends anybody could ask for Aoife,Tara … Aoife and I are huge fans of You’re books escpecially Scarlett… on the other hand Tara even with persussion wont read them
=[ !!! shes missing out on everying myself and aoife’s new years resolution is to get Tara to read them!!!
The worst thing about 2009 was my friend who was my best friend for 8years decided to go off with all these really mean girls and i was left by myself for a good while!! But im happy now in secondary skool where i have loads of friends and 2best friends =]
The best bit of 2009 was meeting someone truly incredible, who became my best friend ((: No worst parts.. it was ALL amazing. And 2010 is gonna be even better – because I have already fallen in love.. with my truly incredible best friend ((: And for some unexplicable reason, he is in love with me too (((:
i loved 2009 but durr 2010 is going to be so much better and my crush just asked me out and i said yes!!!also ive maid loods of new friends weve made a little gang caled the checker gang (dont ask why).You probreblly wont reply but thats ok i now you get loads of emails i wanted to say that your books are awsome and so are all the people who read them .HAPPY NEW YEAR CATHY AND EVERYONE ELSE WHO READS HER BOOKS XXXXXX !!!
I’m going into year 7 in september this year and I dont know what to do! I’m all muddled u in a knot and i can’t unwind!
2009 was a good year but im not sure if im liking 2010 better yet!
in 2009 we moved 3 hrs away from my old town! but it was really good cuz i made 7 new besties!!!!!!!!we made a group name called the elmo8!i also made heaps of other new friends! so a bad yr turned in 2 an awesum yr!!! one of my friends is a boy wev got 2 no each other really well he feels like my brother the other day him and my best friend started goin out it feels really weird lol it feels like shes goin out wit my brother!!