Thursday 31st December 2009
I’m writing this on the very last day of 2009… the last day of the DECADE in fact! I hope you all have a fun and fabby New Year and make the most of every opportunity that 2010 brings you… go for it!
2009 was a good year in lost of ways for me… I got to meet my fans in Australia, Singapore & New Zealand in May, I launched the first ever National Best Friends Day in July and wrote like crazy in between times! The year had its sad, tricky and low points too, of course, but I hope that on the whole 2009 was a good year for you, too.
I have a feeling that 2010 is going to be even better. I love that moment when the year turns and a whole new year lies before you, like a field full of snow, silent and perfect, with no footprints upon it yet (I know, I know, but I am writing this surrounded by fields of snow, so it seemed like a good image!). For me, it’ll be a busy year… Angel Cake goes paperback in April; Daizy Star & The Pink Guitar comes out in June; and Cherry Crush is out in September. There will be a few little surprises along the way, too… let’s just say there will be plenty for you to read this year!
What were your best/worst bits of 2009? Are you making any resolutions for 2010? And how are you celebrating the New Year? Let me know by posting your comments through the link below. Happy New Year!!!
i love CATHY CASSIDYS books there brill…….!!!!!
2009 has been a great year for me as i have had a chance to read all of the Cathy Cassidy books i got last year for christmas xx they were really good and i even read a whole book in one night!!!! i couldnt put them down i cant wait to get some more of your books and i love getting an email from you because i love seeing which book is coming out next
xxxxx i didnt have many down points in 2009 as it was such a great year with all of my friends hope you all enjoy reading this comment ♫ lots of love Grace xxxxxxx ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Hey Guys,
2009 Has been a great year for me, I have had my first full year at school in New Zealand and have got many CC books! I got Dizzy, Sundae GIrl, Indigo Blue,Gingel Snaps and Driftwood. Have a great 2010 everyone!!!!!!
2009 has been the best year i got the hole cathy cassidy set and have 1 more to read.i found that letters to cathy was the best because all my life sense prep i have bulled some one or they have bulled me but in 2008 was the worst well i hade my friend taylor over then like 1 week later she told 2 boys to go and bash me up
but we got over it and are now best buddies
2009 was an awesome year I especially enjoyed the end of the year because there was a new girl in my class at school who is now one of my BFFs =)
2009 was great, best year for cathy’s books. 2010 should be even better because i’m hoping that i’ll be able to meat cathy
2009 was the best year for me beacause thats when i started reading your books.
my first book i read of yours is dizzy, and i loved it so much.
You rock.. hope you write many many more books. xx
hi cathy and every one else while every one is snowed in here in amereica its cool the other day on new years eve i met hannah montana well seen her and said hi and we talked i cant wait for daisy star to come out and i love dizzy thats my middle name i know it sounds weird madelein dizzy boak what do you think cassy? love madelein
2009 was really cool. I especially enjoyed the year because I won a writing award and made tons of new friends :))