Thursday 18th June 2009
Angel Cake is out in just TWO WEEKS in the UK & Ireland… wooo!!! Readers in Australia & New Zealand, where the book is out right now, seem to be loving it, so make sure YOU don’t miss out!
You can pre-order Angel Cake so you get it as soon as its out… just click here and check with your parents of course… and it’s all sorted! You can listen to me reading an extract here.
Don’t forget that on THURSDAY JUNE 25th MIZZ mag are giving away another fab CC mini book… CUPCAKES & KISSES. And of course, it’s totally free! There’s a brand new short story, all the low-down on boys, a whole bunch of cool cake recipes and all the latest on National Best Friends Day on July 4th. Don’t miss out… ask your newsagent to reserve you a copy of MIZZ today!
Speaking of National Best Friends Day, how are you planning to celebrate with YOUR friends? Tell me your cool ideas and send in any pics you have of the day itself! If you are near London on NBFD, July 4th, come along to WATERSTONES in Piccadilly to join me for a fab NBFD celebration… and get your copy of Angel Cake signed! Details – and news of where I will be on my June/July tour – are on the EVENTS section of the website. There will be lots of cool treats and some random acts of kindness going on at Waterstones stores all around the country on NBFD, too, so mark July 4th in your diary and pop down to your local Waterstones to get your hands on ANGEL CAKE. Life is sweet!
OMG!!! I met Cathy Cassidy at Bluewater , to sign my copy of Angel cake! I was so excited!! She is sooooo nice and will always be my FAVE author!!! Thank you sooo much for signing it Cathy!!! I WILL be doing something for national best friend day, as she told me too! I think you are THE best author ever!!! I was nervous about meeting you, but you are so nice there was no reason 2 be shy!!!!! Thank you for being th NO.1 author for meeeeee!!! Maria xx
Hi cathy, I absolutely love your books!!!!! They’re the best especially lucky star and angel cake i’ve read them about three times each! I’am obsessed with angel cake! It’s brilliant! Your my most favourite author ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cathy’s books inspire me sooo much. They are the best and i love them….Angel cake will be another adventure of friendship and i cant wait to find out where it will take me! Bye x x x
x x x
I am a MASSIVVEEEE cathy cassidy Fan! Keep on writing!!
I LOVE Angel Cake! I can’t afford it from the library just now so I go into it and read it whenever I go up town! I LOVE IT! See you at Edinburgh Book Festival Cathy!!
I love your books Cathy! YOU ROCK. Your my fav author and the best in the world! Me and my friends are obsessed with Angel Cake!! I can’t wait till the book signing at Picadilly!
GREAT! Just in time I really need a book to read for the summer. Keep up the good work Cathy!!:):):):):):):):)
well i have never heard of you before but when you came and did a talk at my school i thorght you were so nice and want to now read all of your book! you have so many fans! I don’t want to be an aurthor when i am older but i want to be a photographer and you told us all to keep on trying so i will! and i also loved your tips on how to day dream. i day dream all the time and i don’t know i am doing it! hope you can reaply love from bethany
book is amazing
ive read it
Read Angel Cake twice. Luved it twice. Read all your books. Luved ’em 2!!!
Ruth x.
I am loving the book at lot! It is the best book ever! It is the very first book I have read by Cathy Cassidy. Cathy, it will always be a favourite book by you. Anya is so sweet!!