Thursday 1st May 2008
Woo! The moment we’ve all been waiting for… The 100 finalists in the 2008 My Best Friend Rocks comp have just been announced in May 1st issue of Mizz mag. Letters have now been sent to the lucky 100, who will be joining me along with their best friends and mums, for the Ultimate Friendship Festival in London on July 6th.
If you are a winner… WELL DONE!!! I can’t wait to see you in July.
If you haven’t been lucky this time, don’t be sad – I loved ALL the amazing entries. There were many HUNDREDS of them and it was soooo tough to choose just 100 finalists, but with lots of help from MIZZ and CHILDLINE, we did our best. If you are not one of the finalists, remember that you are still a friend in a million, because you took the time and effort to create an imaginative, heartfelt entry for your BFF. And don’t forget that we’ll be running the comp again next spring, so you can get thinking and try again then!
Thanks to ALL of you who entered. MBFR is all about celebrating friendship, and anything that does that is COOL. Whether you entered or not, tell your BF how much she means to you… today!
Cathy Cassidy xxx
do we get our entries back?
Thank You Cathy..Im Soo Excited About Going Too London….And The Chance To Meet Your Cathy. It Took Me All Week To Do My Entry And It’s All Worth It Now. Wen I Told My Bessie She Screamed Through The Phone….I Think I Should Of Told Her In Person…That Way I Woulnt Of Got An Ear Ache:). All I Want To Kno Is Will You Send Another Leter Out Soo We Kno Exactly Were To Go. Julie xxx
whooooo!!! i’m one of the finallists! me and my bezzie Liv cannot WAIT until july…thank you so much cathy, mizz and the judges! i look forward to seeing you on the 6th cathy!
i would love to win, but i wont be really upset if i dont because it means so much just to be a finallist! oh, i keep spelling that wrong…oh well. i’m sooo lucky. sorry to all those people who didnt get in – but hey, ou can always try next year!
Lauren & Julie… and all the other finalists… letters with all the details you need to know will be sent out next week, so don’t panic! Lauren, we cannot return entries, alas. There were just so many and we did state on the website at the start that entries would not be returned. Sorry!
ok. thanks cathy! I can’t wait to get the letter, and can’t wait for MBFR! thanks.x
Firstly, this comment has nothing to do with MBFR. It is simply a comment to encourage people to go and vote for you (Cathy) at http://www.queenofteen.co.uk. Also, your books are the most amazing books I have ever read and I can’t wait for Gingersnaps!
Rainbow Dust
This is for Cathy- I got through but me and my best mate have fell out and she says she doesnt ever want to be my friend again. What should i do??? I still want to come to London
Ashleigh, I’m sure you can patch things up in time… but if the friendship is truly over, you can opt to bring a different friend along to MBFR Friendship Festival. Good luck – I hope you work things out.
I’m soooo upset that I was too lATE to enter.I actually did make one,well it saves me doing it next year!!
livvy the Bookworm
i just got my seccond letter to comfirm me going and i opened it with my bezzie kitty (katie) and we were like jumping about with joy !!! we are so looking forward to it !!!