My book Cherry Crush is about a girl who is half-Japanese, and a Japanese theme runs all through the story. For me, as for all who love Japan and its culture, the recent earthquake, tsunami and threatened nuclear disaster has been shocking and scary.

I wanted to do something to help, and found myself thinking of the story of the 1000 Paper Cranes. In Japanese legend, anyone who makes 1000 paper cranes is granted a wish. In 1955, a Japanese girl, Sadako Sasaki, became ill with radiation sickness after the atom bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. Sadako planned to make 1000 paper cranes, but she had folded only 644 cranes when she died aged just 12. Her friends made the remaining paper cranes and buried them with her… one of the saddest yet most beautiful stories of friendship ever. In Japan, the paper crane is a powerful symbol of peace and hope.

What better way to send your support, good wishes and prayers to Japan? Find yourself a square of paper, click the link and make your own paper crane for Japan – then send in your pics through any of the website links. Tell your friends, family and teachers and spread the word. Together, we can make 1000 cranes… and show Japan that we care.

If you’re able to raise money for those made homeless by the disaster, you can donate to the Red Cross.

Look out for more ideas of how you can help on the Secret Page and in the April online newsletter… with comps to reward all your hard work. If you haven’t signed up for the free online newsletter, you can do it here – you’ll find a clue for the password to the Secret Page in the newsletter, too.

Get folding… and send your thoughts and prayers to Japan.


Comments on 1000 PAPER CRANES

  1. I am really dejected about what happened to Japan recently. In order to help, I’m going to get my classmates involved in a competition to make paper cranes.

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  2. RED ALERT… RED ALERT! There’s been another earthquake in Japan and a threat of another tsnami. What’s Happened to the world???

    Posted by: S on 7th November 2017
  3. I was toally heart broken when I found out about the Japaaneese tradjety! I felt a churning in my stoumch for all these poor people, but worst of all, I knew at the back of my mind something scary. My bestest, bestest ever friend has been living in Japan for about four years, (SO SAD!) and I was really, really worrieed aobut my friend Sae and her family. Also, my auntie and her family live there too! I felt so sick and rushed to the laptop to email them. Thankfully they are all Okay. They are alive and safe. I fealt so releived.

    If any of your family or friend’s are in there, I wish them the best. I would try and do anything to help. + My school are raising money and donating it to Japan. We’ve raised over £1000!

    Posted by: J on 7th November 2017
  4. Hi Cathy and everyone else that LOVES cathy cassidy as much as me i think it was soooo nice of you to help the japineez people!!! 😀

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017
  5. Hey Cathy,
    i just made a crane and even though it was only one, i feel like i have helped Japan. I am sending all my positive vibes out there and i hope their lives end out happily ever after (but we cant all believe in fairy tales, can we?)

    Posted by: F on 7th November 2017
  6. I love your book Cherry Crush! Maybe if you want you could send the book money to Japan from the earthquake or something! I cant wait for Vallina Skye too! My birthday is in September too! So im getting it on my birthday!

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  7. that is so sweet . what happened to japan was terrible
    i just shudder by thinking what if an earthquake hits my country.
    surely will make loads of paper cranes

    Posted by: A on 7th November 2017
  8. We had our last cake sale today and altogether we raised £95! However we still havn’t counted the money in the box. I held it today and it was soooo heavy! I can’t wait to count it! It is going to make a BIG difference for everyone.

    Posted by: M on 7th November 2017
  9. hi Cathy! u r so nice. i hope every1 who lives in japan or got affected by the tsunami and earthquake r all right. i’m praying right now 4 my friend who went to Japan to see her grandma because her grandma’s really ill. i havent heard from her since 2 months ago. i hope her and her family r all right. and p.s. ur THE best author in the world Cathy!!! ;D

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017
  10. hey cathy!! you are so sweet! I feel so sorry for Japan…and your book Cherry Crush is Awesooome! i luv it. you are such a good person cathy! your a really good role model! Best wishes and keep writng AMAZING BOOKS! xxx 🙂

    Posted by: N on 7th November 2017

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